Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Biblical Creationism versus Scientific Origin Essay example
Commonly, religious discussion turns to the subject of origins. There are two reasons for this: firstly, there are those with a literal or semi-literal interpretation of the Bible (or other relevant holy book) who remain convinced that the world was created in the recent past looking more or less as it does today. Obviously, this issue must be resolved before the existence or nature of the deity can even begin to be discussed! Secondly, even those with the more common, nonliteral interpretation of the creation story often use arguments that arent valid to insist on direct interference by a deity at one or more points in the past. And while thanks to its flexibility this tinkering God theory cannot be ruled out to the same degree as†¦show more content†¦Age of trilobites. Mesozoic (245-65 Mya): Middle epoch; from the Permian extinction until the K-T (dinosaur) extinction. Age of dinosaurs. Cenozoic (65-0 Mya): Recent epoch. Starts with the K-T extinction and continues today. Age of mammals. Subject 1: Evolution and the Origins of Life The most immediate question one can ask regarding origins is where humans - and, for that matter, other life forms - came from. The secular world has long since identified evolution as the theory that best answers this question. The theory of evolution is also the target of the vast majority of creationist attacks, probably because they find the idea of humans stemming from lower life forms particularly abhorrent. Many of the criticisms are dated or irrelevant; others are outright falsehoods. In any event, with very few exceptions they refer to the same categories of evidence as supporters of evolution do but draw different interpretations, generally using arguments that are either based on a minority of cases but are refuted by many others, based on false premises, or philosophically unacceptable. Ill try to address in advance all of them below. Hierarchal pattern of structural similarities and differences between organisms The oldest and most general line of evidence for large-scale evolution (macroevolution) is the fact that the outward properties of life are organized in a hierarchal pattern:Show MoreRelatedThe Origin Of Life And Evolution1744 Words  | 7 Pagesand thought with the methodology of science in most human activities has enabled a great deal of scientific and technological advancements for humanity in the last centuries. On the contrary, even though it is nearly 150 years since the Origin of Species (Charles Darwin, 1859), it seems paradoxical that there are still a great significant amount of people who maintain an anti-darwian position on the origin of life and species. A poll done by Gallup Institute in 2004 showed that an approximate of 42%Read MoreThe Big Bang Theory And Evolution1612 Words  | 7 PagesBang theory, but through the Biblical creation theory. Due to their disagreements he had traveled to a different country only to fail to understand his new professor s teaching s The United States of America was founded upon the Christian God but yet teachers are not even allowed to teach about the Biblical creation theory of how Earth was made. They are forced to only teach about the big-bang theory and evolution. What students are being taught today is only a scientific theory and can not be provedRead MoreEssay about The Influence of Religion on Scientific Advancement1737 Words  | 7 Pagesreligious movements have occasionally impeded scientific discovery; however, there is also evidence that scientific progression has been aided by religious ideology. By examining both the negative and positive roles religion has played in history, modern times, and the overall area of morality, one can determine the true extent to which faith hinders scientific advancement. The Catholic Inquisitions exemplify one area in which religion has impeded scientific advancement, particularly in reference toRead MoreEvolution Through the Influence of God1605 Words  | 7 PagesControversy of the origin of life has increased. People feel evidence is necessary to determine a faith and many fear going against the word of God or nature of science. These people have established their own â€Å"religion†or belief called the intelligent design theory. Through a combination of scientific evidence and Biblical moralities, the intelligent design theory was established to accommodate believers in the divine Christ and the theory of evolution. This group believes that evolution is occurringRead More Creation Versus Evolution - Both Arguments Can be Right Essay4913 Words  | 20 Pages Creation Versus Evolution â€Å"Creation Versus Evolution.†What’s wrong with this title? Read it to yourself a few times, and then answer that question. We’ve all heard of the argument. Creationism, the idea that God created all the species as they appear today, versus Evolutionism, the idea that all life evolved from simple bacteria to all the species that appear today, is a familiar controversy. Ever since Darwin first published the Theory of Evolution in his controversial 1859 book The OriginRead MoreEssay on Creation vs. Evolution in the Public Schools1342 Words  | 6 Pagesneither opinions’ palpability can be firmly upheld through scientific manners. Since science can only prove hypotheses that are testable and based on current observations, neither creation nor evolutionary concepts can be proven with irrefutable evidence. However, regardless of the inability to prove either concept, most public school systems promote evolution as a scientific fact. Many students who lack firm beliefs about the origin of life believe what they are taught without giving any personalRead MoreThe Debate Between Evolution and Creationism1648 Words  | 7 Pagesthe question was posed as to what is the debate between creationism vs. evolution consist of, the thought that it is ‘â€Å"God did it†vs. â€Å"Natural processes did it,†’ (Scott, 2004) may arise. Science cannot absolutely prove or disprove Creation or Evolution. Yet scientist and the remainder of society use creationism and evolution to prove our existence. Creationist believe in the Christian account of the origin as recorded in Genesis. Creationism is the belief that statements such as â€Å"In the beginningRead MoreDefending Evolution And Its Importance1286 Words  | 6 Pagesdefinition of creationism is the belief that the universe and living organisms originated from specific acts of a divine creation, as a biblical account, rather than natural processes such as evolution. Creationism is perhaps one of the biggest roadblocks that divides the educational system; it prevents the teaching of biological evolut ion because evolution is inconsistent with creationist ideals. Thus many court cases and debates have been devoted to the topic of creationism versus evolution. TheRead MoreThe Creationism Question Essay1829 Words  | 8 PagesIn a historical context, creationism versus the theory of evolution has always been a hotly contested subject, one of the major breakthroughs being when Darwin publicized his theory of evolution. When Darwin published his theory of evolution in 1859, his book was considered a major technological breakthrough at that time. The seeming â€Å"proof†that a God didn’t exist created a catalyst, where creationism was replaced with an almost atheism, because the existence of evolution counteracted society’sRead MoreEssay on Creation’s Contest with Evolution2006 Words  | 9 Pagesthe largest controversies in todays public school systems: should creationism still be taught in public schools? In the trial, Clarence Darrow argued that teaching creationism in public schools defies the separation of church and state (which is pulled from the first amendment). Darrow moved on to say that evolution does not disobey the first amendment. The trial denied all public schools the right to teach creationism-a belief that humans were created by a higher being-although evolution
Monday, December 16, 2019
Women Entrepreneurs Free Essays
WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS: Women entrepreneurs may be defined as a woman or a group of women who initiate, organize and run a business enterprise. In terms of Schumpeterian concept of innovative entrepreneurs, women who innovate, initiate or adopt a business activity are called business entrepreneur. It is the group of women or single women running an enterprise or company in order to earn profit. We will write a custom essay sample on Women Entrepreneurs or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now days because of  women empowerment women are stepping-stone into the industries and are taking the place of men. Now a day’s women’s are running several business like beauty parlours, switching shops, boutiques, etc. The areas chosen by women are retail trade, restaurants, hotels, education, cultural, cleaning insurance and manufacturing. Women entrepreneurs have been making a significant impact in all segments of the economy in Canada, Great Britain, Germany Australia and US. Till the turn of the century, man has enjoyed a dominant position. But change in position technological innovation and modern way of thinking can reduce the disparity between man and women, and bring about equality and equity between them, the need of the hour in women empowerment both through provision of employment and enterprise creation. The Government of India has defined women entrepreneurs based on women participation in equity and employment of a business enterprise. Accordingly, a woman entrepreneur is defined as an enterprise owned and controlled by a woman having a minimum financial interest of 51% of the capital and giving at least 51% of the employment generated in the enterprise to a woman. They have made their mark in business because of the following reasons: * They want to improve their mettle in innovation and competitive jobs. * They want the change to control the balance between their families and responsibility and their business levels. They want new challenges and opportunities for self fulfilment. Role of women as an Entrepreneur’s: 1) Imaginative: It refers to the imaginative approach or original ideas with competitive market. Well-planned approach is needed to examine the existing situation and to identify the entrepreneurial opportunities. It further implies that women entrepreneurâ€⠄¢s have association with knowledgeable people and contracting the right organization offering support and services. 2) Attribute to work hard: Enterprising women have further ability to work hard. The imaginative ideas have to come to a fair play. Hard work is needed to build up an enterprise.. 3) Persistence: Women entrepreneurs must have an intention to fulfill their dreams. They have to make a dream transferred into an idea enterprise; Studies show that successful women work hard. 4) Ability and desire to take risk the desire refers to the willingness to take risk and ability to the proficiency in planning making forecast estimates and calculations. 5) Profit earning capacity:  she should have a capacity to get maximum return out of invested capital. A Woman entrepreneur has also to perform all the functions involved in establishing an enterprise. These include idea generation, and screening, determination of objectives, project preparation, product analysis, determination of forms of business organization, completion of formal activities, raising funds, procuring men machine materials and operations of business. Fredrick Harbiscon, has enumerated the following five functions of a women entrepreneur’s : * Exploration of the prospects of starting a new business enterprise. * Undertaking a risk and handling of economic uncertainties involved in business. * Introduction of innovations, imitations of innovations. * Co ordination, administration and control. Supervision and leadership. In nutshell, women entrepreneur are those women who think of a business enterprise, initiate it organize and combine the factors of production, operate the enterprise, undertake risk and handle economic uncertainties involved in running a business enterprise The role of women entrepreneur in economic development is inev itable. Nowadays, women enter not only in selected professions but also in professions like trade, industry and engineering. Women are also willing to take up business and contribute to the nation’s growth. This role is also eing recognized and steps are being taken to promote women entrepreneurship The concept of Women Entrepreneurs may be defined as women or group of women who initiate, organize and run a business enterprise. Women owned businesses are highly increasing in the economies of almost all countries. Women’s empowerment in India is still an illusion. Empowering women entrepreneurs is essential for achieving the goals of sustainable development. The government of India safeguards the interests of women authorizer to bring the effective implementation and utilization of social economic and political status of women in India. In order to face the problems faced by women entrepreneurs, the Government of India launched the scheme Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development of Women (TREAD). The main objective of the scheme is to empower women through development of their entrepreneurial skills by eliminating constraints faced by them in their sphere of trade. This assistance is to be provided for self-employment ventures by women pursuing any kind of non-farm activity. Promoting entrepreneurship among women is certainly a shortcut to rapid economic growth and development. A successful woman entrepreneur has the attitude and the inner drive to change her dream and her vision to reality. A successful woman entrepreneur should be given proper empowerment that will increase her success with the society. SOCIAL SCHEMES:Women entrepreneurs have achieved remarkable success. The Micro, Small ; Medium Enterprises Development Organisation (MSME-DO), the various State Small Industries Development Corporations (SSIDCs), the nationalised banks and even NGOs are conducting various programmes including Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs). To cater to the needs of potential women entrepreneurs, who may not have adequate educational background and skills, MSME-DO has introduced process/product oriented EDPs in areas like TV repairing, printed circuit boards, leather goods, screen printing etc. A special prize to â€Å"Outstanding Women Entrepreneur†of the year is being given to recognise achievements made by and to provide incentives to women entrepreneurs. The Office of DC (MSME) has also opened a Women Cell to provide coordination and assistance to women entrepreneurs facing specific problems. There are also several other schemes of the government like the * Income Generating Scheme implemented by the Department of Women and Child Development, which provides assistance for setting up training-cum-income generating activities for needy women to make them economically independent. * The Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has been implementing two special schemes for women namely Mahila Udyam Nidh i which is an exclusive scheme for providing equity to women entrepreneurs and the Mahila Vikas Nidhi which offers developmental assistance for pursuit of income generating activities to women. The SIDBI has also taken initiative to set up an informal channel for credit needs on soft terms giving special emphasis to women. Over and above this, SIDBI also provides training for credit utilisation as also credit delivery skills for the executives of voluntary organisations working for women. * Grant for setting up a production unit is also available under Socio-Economic Programme of Central Social Welfare Board. | How to cite Women Entrepreneurs, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Counter strike Essay Example For Students
Counter strike Essay There have been many significant new additions to the entity set for Beta5. The following is a list of new features and how to implement them. All Beta4 entities are still supported and their functionality has not been changed. If you add the new Beta5 entities they will be used instead of the Beta4 entities you had in the map before. The classical method for determining hostage rescue zones is to check to see if a player is within a set distance from an info_hostage_rescue entity, or one of his teams spawn points. There is now another new brush entity called func_hostage_rescue that gives the level designer more control over where players can rescue hostages. If a map does not have any func_hostage_rescue entities, the classical method is used instead (so that old maps will still work the same way). However, placing one or more func_hostage_rescue entities in a map causes the game to ignore both spawn points and info_hostage_rescue entities. info_hostage_rescue entities should be deleted if func_hostage_rescue entities are added. Properties: Targetname of entity to trigger when a hostage is rescuedThe classical method for determining buy zones is to check to see if a player is within a set distance from one of his teams spawn points. There is now another new brush entity called func_buyzone that gives the level designer more control over where players can purchase items. If a map does not have any func_buyzone entities, the classical method is used to determine buy zones. Be aware that it is now possible to place spawn points outside of buy zones. This can be undesirable under many circumstances (ex. when the freeze period is long), so care should be taken to insure that spawn points are placed within buy zones. Properties: Team (Can be set to Counter-terrorist, Terrorist or All teams)The number of players that can join a team is now determined by the number of spawn points for the team. For example: If you only have 5 CT start points in your map only 5 CTs could join the CT team. This was done to prevent players from spawning into teammates if there werent enough spawn points in a map. The suggested maximum players for a server is still 20. It is very important that you include at least 10 spawn points per team or some players may be able to join a server but not be able to join a team. There is a new func_bomb_target brush entity to replace the existing info_bomb_target point entity. func_bomb_target is used to define regions that a player must be touching to place the bomb. (Be aware that the bomb itself can still end up outside one of these regions.) If there are both func_bomb_target and info_bomb_target entities in a map, the info_bomb_target entities will be ignored. Old maps will still work because they only use info_bomb_target entities. We have also added the ability to target events when a bombing is successful. Be careful not to have cracks the bombs can be dropped into in the bomb target zones. Properties: Targetname of entity to trigger when the bombing is successfulPlayer Height. The player view point has been lowered from the standard Half-Life height to line up with the eye level of Counter-Strike models. The view height while ducking has not been changed. You should be aware that a lower view point will make your map look a bit different to the player. Team Selection. Players can now choose which team they will play on immediately when they join a game. Auto Hostage Rescue. You no longer need to press a hostage rescue key to rescue hostages. Instead the hostages are automatically rescued when you enter a valid hostage rescue area. This feature is in the 4.1 patch and is also included in Beta5. .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .postImageUrl , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:hover , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:visited , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:active { border:0!important; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:active , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Muhammad Ali EssayHostage Rescue Zone Icon. When you are running around a level an icon is displayed when you are in a Hostage Rescue Zone. The icon is a capital R with a circle around it. Buy Zone Icon: When you are running around a level an icon is displayed when you are in a Buy Zone for your team. The icon is a shopping cart. Intro Camera. When a player first joins a map they will view the world from all available trigger_camera entities. The standard server rotation time between cameras is 6 seconds. You do not need to allow the players to have in-game access to the cameras. If no trigger_cameras are found in a level the intro text and team selection will happen over a black background. Intro Text. This text message is displayed at the start of a map. The text file should follow the format of released Counter Strike B5 maps. Important information such as the number of hostages, number of bomb targets and a brief description of the scenario should be included in this text file. The info text file should be named the same as your bsp with the extension txt added instead. (This is the same as TFC info text files). The text files must be very small as they have to be displayed on 320240 screens. If the text files are too big they will be clipped so please check them in the game. Bibliography:
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Marketing Strategy of Volkswagen
The Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Volkswagen Rugraff (1) stated that the global automobile industry has been suffering from unsteady competitive advantage for the last three decades due to changing the choice of the customers, market rivalry, outsourcing technological development, a new division of labor and increasing oligopolies nature of global component suppliers that generated new business opportunity and welcomed new entries.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Marketing Strategy of Volkswagen specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a result, the automobile industry players looked for their competitive advantages on environmentally friendly technology and their internationalization through intensive investment in abroad while Volkswagen explored its competitive advantages through its expansion in the emerging market with 53% foreign employment and 76% of its revenue generated from foreign sales. Acc ording to the Volkswagen Group (7) the company’s green mobility, eco-friendly production processes, continuous effort to develop resource efficiency, 62 production facilities all over the world, characteristic global labor relations including its brand image and prolonged culture have provided the company with stability and a clear competitive advantage than its competitors. The company added that the appropriate utilization of competitive advantages provided the company huge opportunity to uphold its ecological principles, brand image, introduction of attractive vehicle models with low emissions targets, strong position in the global market, low fuel consumption, responds to the customers needs, and to fulfill the cost target of the regional customers. Das Auto (3) added that German-engineering, strong resale values, fuel-efficiency safety, clean technology, carefree maintenance program covered by the total cost of ownership have generated further competitive advantages that provided the customer excellence, operational excellence for all brands, product-excellence with a variety of models, location excellence through local distributors and the customers identified it as a symbol of their dignity. Growth Strategies of Volkswagen Volkswagen Group (11) added that its growth strategy has based on gorgeous vehicles that plead the customers all over the world meeting different regional requirements linked with their cost targets through it innovation, quick implication, and improved efficiency with huge brands that facilitated the company at an unparalleled position in the global market. Here the paper analyzed its growth strategies.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Market Penetration Strategy Wen (52) pointed out that the market penetration strategy of Volkswagen Group has organized with three different modes, such as, Acquisition and Green field, Joint Ventures Strategic Alliances with the local companies and Foreign Direct Investment in the emerging markets and the company has long evidence to practice all three strategies where they feel appropriate. At present, the company holds at least seven famous brands and all of the brands have experienced successful acquisition Volkswagen starting from 1964 to 1998, later on, the company has taken cautious measures for further investment and condensed its acquisition activities shifting to the foreign direct investment and strategic alliances through the joint venture. Market Development Strategy The Times of India (1) reported that the global giant of Automobile manufacturers Volkswagen is a multinational carmaker in Europe has aimed to turn itself at the top of all automaker by 2018, through its market development strategy to address such challenges. The marketing team of Volkswagen has focused on the further innovative approach of market development through communication s and advertising to all prospective markets. For instance, Volkswagen in India has introduced itself as a landmark automaker by its digitalized marketing campaign and introduced first talking newspaper using light-sensitive chips, while the readers turned the pages of the newspaper that readers regarding the products of Volkswagen, such digitalization has provided the company huge brand awareness measured at 38% to connect with customers. Product Development Strategy The Alternative Mobility Department of the Volkswagen Group has engaged to develop the conceptual framework for strategic product development keeping its close observation to the international and regional market integrating with new technologies, research, market trend and competitors analysis that brings future success by meeting customers demand while the product diversification strategy acts as an integral part of this strategy. Works Cited Das Auto. Volkswagen of America Corporate Fleet Sales. 2010. Web.Advertisin g We will write a custom research paper sample on Marketing Strategy of Volkswagen specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rugraff, Eric. The new competitive advantage of automobile manufacturers. 2011. Web. The Times of India. Marketing Solutions: Volkswagen India Case Study. 2011. Web. Volkswagen Group. Sustainability Report 2010. Web. Wen, XiaoFeng. The Investigation of Volkswagen’s Entry Strategy in China’s Car Market. 2007. Web.. This research paper on Marketing Strategy of Volkswagen was written and submitted by user Tombstone to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on The Great Gatsby-the Color Green And White
Color symbolism is really popular in novels written during the 1920's. One such example is Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby. There is much color symbolism in this novel, but there are two main colors that stand out more than the others. The colors green and white influence the story greatly. Green shows many thoughts, ideas, attitudes, and choices that Gatsby has throughout the story. White represents the stereotypical faà §ade that every character is hiding behind. The color green, as it is used in the novel, symbolizes different choices the character, Gatsby, can make during his life. The green element in this novel is taken from the green light at the end of the dock near Daisy's house. The color itself represents serenity, as in everything is perfect. This warns Gatsby that he should not pursue his dream for getting Daisy back, because his chance has passed and everything is as it should be. This is shown with Nick's insight, "...His dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him... (Pg.189)" Another symbolization of the color green, which contradicts the first, is the meaning "go." As in a traffic light signal, most people associate green with the word and action "go." This can be interpreted as meaning Gatsby should go for his dream without hesitation. It implies that Gatsby and Daisy are meant to be together and nothing should stop Gatsby from his destined happiness and love with Daisy. It inspires hope for Gatsby that he is on the right path, heading towards the best years of his life. He believes that things will soon be as they once were, only better. ""I'm going to fix everything just the way they were before," he said nodding determinedly. "She'll see."(Pg. 117.)" The last symbolization the color green has in this novel is an urge to strive ahead in life, to do better in life and succeed. Gatsby changes his entire persona for a better,... Free Essays on The Great Gatsby-the Color Green And White Free Essays on The Great Gatsby-the Color Green And White Color symbolism is really popular in novels written during the 1920's. One such example is Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby. There is much color symbolism in this novel, but there are two main colors that stand out more than the others. The colors green and white influence the story greatly. Green shows many thoughts, ideas, attitudes, and choices that Gatsby has throughout the story. White represents the stereotypical faà §ade that every character is hiding behind. The color green, as it is used in the novel, symbolizes different choices the character, Gatsby, can make during his life. The green element in this novel is taken from the green light at the end of the dock near Daisy's house. The color itself represents serenity, as in everything is perfect. This warns Gatsby that he should not pursue his dream for getting Daisy back, because his chance has passed and everything is as it should be. This is shown with Nick's insight, "...His dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him... (Pg.189)" Another symbolization of the color green, which contradicts the first, is the meaning "go." As in a traffic light signal, most people associate green with the word and action "go." This can be interpreted as meaning Gatsby should go for his dream without hesitation. It implies that Gatsby and Daisy are meant to be together and nothing should stop Gatsby from his destined happiness and love with Daisy. It inspires hope for Gatsby that he is on the right path, heading towards the best years of his life. He believes that things will soon be as they once were, only better. ""I'm going to fix everything just the way they were before," he said nodding determinedly. "She'll see."(Pg. 117.)" The last symbolization the color green has in this novel is an urge to strive ahead in life, to do better in life and succeed. Gatsby changes his entire persona for a better,...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Ask an Expert How to Boost your Author SEO Reedsy
Ask an Expert How to Boost your Author SEO Reedsy How to Boost your Author SEO: An Interview with Murray Izenwasser As an author in the beginning stages of a marketing strategy, where do you start when it comes to author Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? It can be very daunting having to compete with large publishing houses as well as already successful and well-known authors. To help tackle this really important topic, we had SEO expert Murray Izenwasser give his insights on how exactly author SEO works.Click play below to watch the video chat or read the transcript below! Hi Murray, I really appreciate you talking with me today. Why don’t you start out by giving us a bit of background on yourself and Biztegra?Thank you! I’ve been doing the online stuff since the 90s so a long time, but Biztegra has been around for about 6 or 7 years now. When we started Biztegra we wanted to bring the digital agency and the way we approach it to a smaller organization. We do two things: marketing on one side and technology on the other. With marketing, we do the optimizations for searches on social and mobile applications and for technology we have developers in Argentina who build out the web, social, and mobile applications we need to support those marketing programs.Last year, we launched a product called Publishr, which is a platform where our publishing clients will be able to move their websites over and onto. In the publishing industry, we’ve found that there’s a lot of opportunities for websites to improve. Historically, people in p ublishing were â€Å"bound†to traditional printing and now the people who are left are the onesThat's great and I agree with you that it really just does come down to time and not annoying your audience. This has been very helpful for our authors who are either trying to rank higher on Google or building their author website or trying to gain traffic on their blogs. Thank you so much, Murray!Follow Murray Izenwasser and Reedsy on Twitter: @MurrayIz and @ReedsyHQHave you experimented with SEO and Content Marketing? Do you have a marketing strategy for your next book launch? Let us know your thoughts, or ask Murray any question you want, in the comments below!
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reseach Paper on Nursing Negligence Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reseach on Nursing Negligence - Research Paper Example New Jersey has the provisions for different nursing attorneys who are responsible of evaluating the negligence on the part of the nurses, and accordingly take the measures against such negligence. The trial lawyers are experienced in determining the rights of those individuals who suffer owing to the negligence on the part of nursing and thus take the necessary measures (Messa & Associates, 2010). These are reflected through the NJSA Act 45, Section 1-18 and Section 1-25 that clearly explain the roles of the attorneys as well as the penalties against violated acts respectively (New Jersey Uniform Enforcement Act NJSA 45:1.1 et seq., n.d.). The nursing standards represent the benchmark of the duties and responsibilities of the nurses as are desired by particular nursing homes and clinical organizations. These reflect on the understanding, ability, evaluation as well as attitude that are required in competent and successful nursing practice. It is necessary for the nurses to follow the standards that they are expected to since these standards outline the professional expectations from them, as are needed for the satisfaction of the patients (Nursing Standards, 2010). Hence all nurses are required to follow these standards and adhere to the legal system since it is their duty to perform their acts well and avoid cases of lawsuits against negligence. Case Study Discussion: Cases of Failure to Documentation: Case 1: Patient in US admitted with brain infection but positive Homans’ signs being discovered and not documented by the nurse. The patient died without treatment (Special Report: How to Properly Document to Reduce Your Liability Risk, n.d.). Case 2: 23 year old woman admitted with flu but detected with pneumonia. Proper documentation of medication doses, and heart rates were absent. The patient eventually died (Case Study: Medication Administration Error and Failure to Monitor, 2008). Case 3: Oncology patient in New Jersey suffering from uneasiness but nurse ignored documentation and sustained treatment enhancing the suffering (Extravasation Follows Chemotherapy Administration, Potential Complication or Nursing Negligence, 2000). Thus in all the three cases the loss has been caused owing to the documentation failure by the nurses. The damages were filled through penalties depending on the nature of the injury or loss as might have been decided by the legal systems (Factors Affecting Damaging Awards, 2012). Law Regarding the Cases: The US Law: In the first case, the victims were awarded a sum of $500,000 for the damages (Special Report: How to Properly Document to Reduce Your Liability Risk, n.d.). In the second case, the family of the dead sought $3,000,000 for the loss (Case Study: Medication Administration Error and Failure to Monitor, 2008). New Jersey Law: According to New Jersey Uniform Enforcement Act 45, Section 1-18 allows the attorneys to perform all necessary examinations of records and documents in case any violence is reported on the part of the nursing. Section 1-25 declares the amounts of penalties that can be applied, the amounts being a maximum of $10,000 for a single violation, and $20,000 for more than one such act (New Jersey Uniform Enforcement Act NJSA 45:1.1 et seq., n.d.). ANA Code and Provision Violence: Nine provisions of the ANA Code include:
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Dqweek 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Dqweek 7 - Essay Example to do with how the powers and privileges of society, as well as within the companies themselves, are affected by large organizations . These three, Clegg, Hinings and Greenwood feel that this sociological perspective is required in order that companies can find for themselves the most suitable ways to solve their problems, ways that are both efficient an defective. . Clegg in 2002 ( p 430) drew a parallel with the planning of the Holocaust in World War II. He describes an organization then which worked at optimum efficiency, and achieved its aims effectively, but as far as moral values and ethics were concerned was totally abhorrent. He also stresses that researchers seeking both funding and access to organisations, must focus their research on real problems faced by the businesses concerned. ( page 436) Grey (2010, p 686) and Clegg (2002, 434) point out how between Europe and America there are differences in the way universities operate with Europeans generally being more open to alternative points of view. Grey talks about the ways in which systems of ranking make the positivist/functionalist viewpoint dominant in North American academic circles. He concludes that this ranking system enables the American universities and the academic journals from that part of the world to prevail when it comes to proving the knowledge creation agenda which therefore tends to fit in with their preference for the positivist/functionalist trend. Knowledge creation cannot be allowed to remain as the select domain of an elite group of American scholars and those academic journals which are overly concerned with their own rankings. There are other ways to create knowledge as our DBA programme reveals when it shows how Critical Action Learning when used by scholars who are also practitioners will also generate knowledge. Whether or not it then goes on to publication in a high ranking American journal, it can still be used within our own organisations to
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Reaction to Triarchic Theory of Love According to Sternberg Essay Example for Free
Reaction to Triarchic Theory of Love According to Sternberg Essay Wherein he shows us the different components of love, namely: intimacy, passion and decision/ commitment. This theory shows that love can be understood in terms of the three components, and they can be viewed as forming the triangle. Intimacy acts as the top vertex of the triangle, passion acts as the left point of the triangle and decision/commitment acts as the right point of the triangle. According to Sternberg, intimacy is refers to the feeling of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness in loving relationships. It can also be the feeling experienced happiness with the loved one, high regard for the loved one, being able to count on the loved one in times of need, mutual understanding with the loved one, sharing of ones self and ones possessions with the loved one, receipt of emotional support from the loved one, giving of emotional support to the loved one, intimate communication with the loved one, and valuing the loved one in ones life. The next component, passion refers to the drive that leads to romance, physical attraction and lust in relationships. This component allows people in a relationship to experience passion and arousal. As for relationships that are fueled by passion, meaning the â€Å"arousal†drew the in to the relationship, it is the intimacy component that sustains the closeness in the relationship. And the last component, decision/ commitment can be defined in terms of the length of the relationship, in short term it can be defined as the decision we make to love someone, whereas in long term it can be defined as the commitment to maintain that love. If likened to temperature, intimacy can viewed as the â€Å"warm†one, passion as the â€Å"hot†one and decision/commitment as the â€Å"cold†one. In sum, all these three components are important in a loving and strong relationship, without the other, the relationship may not last as long. REACTION: Love. A four-letter word which means what? A great man once said, â€Å"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. †Who is this man? Aristotle. David Byrne said, â€Å"Sometimes its a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence. Mark Twain said, â€Å"Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. Do you understand it? Is it the same for you? Do you now know exactly what love is? I don’t. But I’ll try to sort things out through my experience and maybe, I can show you and tell you what love is. Love has been called many things, defined a thousan d times, analyzed for ages. But no one can put into words what love is. Maybe because no words can explain or define what love is? No matter how cliche, mushy and hopelessly romantic that sounds, it’s true. Love is not easy to explain. Try it yourself and see how far you got, I’ll bet your still on â€Å"It’s what you feel. †From my experience, love brings you hope, pain, joy, memories worthy of treasuring forever and love. Love is shared between two people who have feelings towards each other, it may be a friend, or a special someone. And loving is never easy. From my experience, it did bring joy and pain. I’m not trying to scare you. Even if love brings pain, the joy that comes with it is wondrous. A joy that is immeasurable. A joy that has the power to make the pain and the burdens you have go away. It gives you butterflies in your stomach; it makes your heart do somersaults, it makes you nervous, it makes you cry, it makes you laugh, it makes you see the beauty in everything. Love is truly beautiful. And I think, without love, the world we know today would have ceased to exist a long time ago. Even amidst all these chaos, deep within we can find love. So, from what I see, love is everywhere, found in all things, beautiful and confusing. References: Sternberg, Robert J. A triangular theory of love. Psychological review 93.2 (1986): 119. Sternberg, Robert J. Liking versus loving: A comparative evaluation of theories. Psychological Bulletin 102.3 (1987): 331. Beall, Anne E., and Robert J. Sternberg. The social construction of love. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 12.3 (1995): 417-438. Sternberg, Robert J., and Karin Weis. The new psychology of love. Yale University Press, 2006. Sternberg, Robert J., and Todd I. Lubart. The concept of creativity: Prospects and paradigms. Handbook of creativity 1 (1999): 3-15. Fehr, Beverley. A prototype approach to studying love. The new psychology of love (2006): 225-246. Bisson, Melissa A., and Timothy R. Levine. Negotiating a friends with benefits relationship. Archives of sexual behavior 38.1 (2009): 66-73.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Effects of Absent Fathers on Adolescents Essay -- Social Issues, Divor
The role of the father, a male figure in a child’s life is a very crucial role that has been diminishing over the years. An absent father can be defined in two ways; the father is physically not present, or the father is physically present, but emotionally present. To an adolescent, a father is an idolized figure, someone they look up to (Feud, 1921), thus when such a figure is an absent one, it can and will negatively affect a child’s development. Many of the problems we face in society today, such as crime and delinquency, poor academic achievement, divorce, drug use, early pregnancy and sexual activity can be attributed to fathers being absent during adolescent development (Popenoe, 1996; Whitehead, 1993). The percentage of adolescents growing up fatherless has risen from 17% to 36% in just three decades between 1960 and 1990 (Popenoe, 1996). Dr. Popenoe estimates this number will increase to approximately 50% by the turn of the century (Popenoe, 1996). The US Census Bureau reported out of population of 24 million children, 1 out 3 live in a home without a father (US Census Bureau, 2009). The role of a father is more than just another parent at home (Popenoe, 1996). Having a father, the male biological parent in a child’s life is important because it brings a different type of parenting that cannot be replicated by anyone else (Stanton, 2010). Fathers who are present and active in a child’s life provide great benefits to a developing child (Popenoe, 1996). Having a father brings a different kind of love. The love of the father is more expectant and instrumental, different from the love of a mother (Stanton, as cited in Pruett, 1987). The effect of an absent father can be quite devastating to the developing ad... ...istics, 1999). McBride, Brent A., Sara K., Sullivan, and Ho-Ho (2005) reported about the achievement levels in a adolescent who grows up with a father, â€Å"A study of 1330 children from the PSID showed that fathers who are involved on a personal level with their child schooling increases the likelihood of their child's achievement. When fathers assume a positive role in their child's education, students feel a positive impact.†(p. 201-216). Children who do not grow up in a two parent homes, are more likely to fail and repeat a grade in school. It is also important to note that children who grow up in single parent families are less likely to have parents involved with the school, 62% of children with two parent homes have parents that are involved in school, while children from single parent homes have half of them involved in school (Nord, Winquist, West, 2001).
Monday, November 11, 2019
American Dream in Great Gatsby
The American Dream was an important theme in the book, The Great Gatsby. Every single character was somewhat involved or motivated by the American Dream vision. In the Great Gatsby, American Dream symbolized the â€Å"freedom and opportunity to better yourself and your situation. Characters had different ideas of going through the American Dream. Gatsby loved money, reinvention, and the American Dream.He planned to reinvent himself for a woman that was put on such a igh pedestal, that when brought down, his world had become something of an illusion. Daisy became a sort of goal, a symbol for wealth, that he basically makes her lose her humanity in his eyes. A sort of paradigm in which she was an object, when he won her it meant he was what he always wanted to be. By the end, the real shocker that brought him back to earth, that made him realize Daisy was an actual human, was seeing Patricia, Daisy's daughter. Another character that symbolized the American Dream was Myrtle.Her only go al was to better her situation, such as being very materialistic and greedy. She decided to have an affair with one of the most unavailable and wealthiest men in the city. She was in the â€Å"relationship†not because of love or lust, but because of money. Someone that symbolized the American Dream in a positive way was Nick. He was from a family of old money yet he was willing to give up his family money and work hard. Nick wanted to build up his old name. Money was never very important to him as it was for the others.He actually understands how the American Dream corrupts the minds of all trying to achieve it. Nick was disillusioned with the American Dream by seeing how it immorally unethical it was. Yellow (such as silver and gold) that means corruption wealth and dishonest and white that means fapde and pure are colors that represent an egg which is a major symbol in the Great Gatsby. A theme of Self-Discovery and Intolerance was directly directed to Nick. He knew he wan ted to find himself and create his name not live off of what his family has.The theme of the green light represented Gatsbys hope, renewal and rebirth of this new relationship with Daisy. Gatsbys motivation to move forward and better his situation Just to be with Daisy starts with that green light. It basically Just means plain wealth to him. Red was a symbol connected to Nick because he is the only one that does not think corruptly. Red symbolizes death in which Nick has seen people's true self die out because of the American Dream.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
God’s rule over human happenings Essay
God controls events of human history to accomplish of his purposes. God’s rule over human happenings is demonstrated many times in the Bible. One of the clearest examples is recorded in the first four chapters of the book of Daniel. Daniel and three of his friends were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. In Babylon they are trained to be special servants of the king. When Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and apparently forgot it, he demanded that his wise men tell him what he dreamed and give its interpretation, on penalty of death if they didn’t. When Daniel heard about this situation, he and his friends prayed to God to learn about the dream and its interpretation. When God revealed the dream and its meaning to Daniel, Daniel thanked God by saying, â€Å"Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. . . . He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. . . . I thank You and praise You, O God of my fathers; You have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known . . . the king’s demand†(Daniel 2:20-23, NKJV). The dream was about a man with a head of gold, his chest and arms of silver, his thighs of bronze, his legs of iron, and his feet partly of iron and partly of clay. Daniel told the king that God had revealed to him the dream and its interpretation. He declared that different parts of the man represented various kingdoms. The head of gold represented Nebuchadnezzar. His was the greatest kingdom. After him would come lesser kingdoms, represented by the inferior medals, until the coming of the greatest – an everlasting kingdom – represented by a stone, uncut by human hands. The stone would strike the image and broke it in pieces. It would then became a great mountain and fill the whole earth. Nebuchadnezzar was grateful to Daniel for telling him his dream and its interpretation. He declared, â€Å"Truly your God is the God of gods, the Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, since you could reveal this secret†(Daniel 2:47). The king then promoted Daniel to be ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief administrator over all the wise men of Babylon. Moreover, Daniel’s three friends were placed in positions of power in the province of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar was a most powerful king. He was also very conceited. He built an image of gold, ninety feet tall. Why he built it is not declared in scripture. However, it may be because the dream, wherein he was represented as possessing a kingdom portrayed with a head of gold, motivated him to exalt himself in that way. He called for everyone to fall down before the image and worship it. But Daniel’s three friends refused. Nebuchadnezzar threatened them, saying that they would be put into a furnace of fire if they didn’t prostrate themselves before it. They still refused, saying that God would deliver them, but even if he didn’t, they would not worship the image. Nebuchadnezzar, full of fury, had them put into the fiery furnace. Afterward, however, when he looked into the furnace, he was greatly surprised. There was a fourth person, one like a son of the gods, walking among them and none of them were burned. When Nebuchadnezzar called for them to come out of the furnace, he discovered that they were not singed, nor did they have even the smell of fire on them. Therefore he said, â€Å"Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, who sent His Angel and delivered His servants who trusted in Him . . . that they should not serve nor worship any god except their own God! Therefore I make a decree that any people, nation, or language which speaks anything amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made an ash heap; because there is no other God who can deliver like this.†(Daniel 3:28-29) He then promoted them in the province of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar thus came not only to recognize, but also to appreciate the Most High God. Nevertheless, Nebuchadnezzar was still filled with great pride. In his own words, Nebuchadnezzar told how he came to be humbled by God. He had another dream which none but Daniel could interpret. The dream was about a great, strong, and high tree with lovely leaves and abundant fruit. In it the birds lodged, under it animals found shade, and from it all flesh was fed. But a voice from heaven commanded the tree to be cut down. Even so, the stump and roots were to be left, bound with iron and bronze in the grass of the field. Before being told the meaning of the dream, Nebuchadnezzar recognized that â€Å"This decision is . . . in order that the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men†(Daniel 4:17). When told the dream, Daniel was disturbed because he knew it was against the King. The tree represented the king. Although the king was great, he would be cut down but not destroyed. His heart would become like that of an animal and he would eat grass for seven â€Å"times†(probably seven years). However, Nebuchadnezzar was assured that the kingdom would be his after he came to realize that Heaven rules. Daniel then advised the king, â€Å"break off your sins by being righteous, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor. Perhaps there may be a lengthening of your prosperity†(Daniel 4:20). The dream began to be fulfilled a year later while Nebuchadnezzar was walking in his palace. He said, â€Å"Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?†(Daniel 4:30). It was then that a voice from heaven said, â€Å"King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: the kingdom has departed from you! And they shall drive you from men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. They shall make you eat grass like oxen; and seven times shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses†(Daniel 4:31-32). And so it was. Nebuchadnezzar ate grass like an ox, his body was wet with the dew of heaven, his hair grew like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like bird’s claws. At the end of the time, Nebuchadnezzar’s understanding returned to him, as did his kingdom, honor, splendor, counselors and nobles. He then blessed the Most High, saying, â€Å"His dominion is an everlasting dominion, . . . He does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’†(Daniel 4:34-35). He then praised and honored the King of Heaven, saying that his works are true and his ways just. Moreover, he said, â€Å"those who walk in pride, He is able to put down†(Daniel 4:37). God rules. He sent dreams to Nebuchadnezzar. Through Daniel, God made their interpretations known. In this way God caused Daniel to become ruler over all Babylon and his friends to be elevated to rulership positions. God changed Nebuchadnezzar’s heart and made him to be a believer in the Most High God. He also humbled and then restored Nebuchadnezzar to his kingdom. He thereby caused His name to be heralded by the King throughout all Babylon (Daniel 4:1-3). Nebuchadnezzar came to know that God ruled. Yet he probably did not understood the extent or purposes of God’s rule. He may not have realized that in all these things God was preserving the Israelites in their captivity. When we see disturbing conditions in our world (just as the Israelites saw and were disturbed by the fall of Jerusalem and the overthrow of their nation by the Babylonians) we should realize that God â€Å"reigns over the nations, God sits on his holy throne†(Psalm 47:8; See also Jeremiah 18:7-10). He still rules in the kingdom of men. And while we may not know the extent of God’s rule, we should realize that God is working out his own purposes through contemporary human events.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Unit 1 9 Essay
Unit 1 9 Essay Unit 1 9 Essay Edexcel Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care QCF Unit 1 - Promote Communication in Health and Social Care Unit 9 - Promote Good Practice in Handling Information in Health and Social Care Settings Candidate Name: Fay Thursfield Assessor Name: Debbie Lehay Acceptance of this evidence is dependent on your assessor’s approval Within your role as a level 3 Care Assistant/Support worker it is important that you have a good understanding of Communication models, systems and how to work well in a team. You may be working as a supervisor or working autonomously. Unit 1 If you are completing this workbook electronically you can answer after each question and it will expand. If you are handwriting the answers just add separate pages and identify the number you are answering. Be aware that if handwriting it must be clear, neat and eligible. 1. Identify the different reasons people communicate(1.1) To express needs; to share ideas and information; to reassure; to express feelings; to build relationships; socialise; to ask questions; to share experiences People communicate in order to establish and maintain relationships with others, to give and receive information and instructions, to understand and be understood, to share opinions, knowledge, feelings, emotions, to give encouragement and show others they are valued. Communication is an essential tool a support worker can use to meet the needs of tenants. It is a basic requirement of my job role to communicate with individuals and their families, other members of staff on a daily basis. Communicating with other staff members ensures effective team working and continuity of care. It also ensures any health and safety issues are recognised and reported. All carers attend hand over at the beginning of each shift and also complete communication books after attending an individual, thereby keeping other staff informed and aware of current situations within the workplace. Individuals communicate with support workers to express their needs and preferences and to ensure they are met. As a carer I would discuss the options and choices available to the individual to allow them an informed choice regards their care. 2. Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting(1.2) Within the supported living setting I communicate using: Communication books, Handover with Colleagues, staff message book, Staff meetings, meetings with my Line Manager Etc. Effective communication is important as it ensures that information is: clear, concise, accurate, non-judgmental, and informative. This reduces the possibility of mistakes being made, and ensuring appropriate care service delivery. It is important to work as a team with your colleagues, so that you all work to achieve the same outcomes and targets. Communication is a fundamental relationship-building skill in the workplace. If people don't communicate well they limit their ability to connect on any meaningful level and, at the extreme, can create conflict. Positive communication skills like listening, open-ended questions, calm tone of voice and "I" statements help bring people together because they are behaviour’s that lead to creating relationships. Workplace relationships also become a lot stronger when people can clearly and effectively communicate what they need and allow others to do the same. 3. Describe how to establish the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals (2.2) Health and social care settings are used by people from a diverse range of backgrounds who will want to communicate in different ways. Finding out about each individual’s language needs, wishes and preferences is an important part of your role. You can do this by: ââ€" ¶asking people whether they or their relatives have particular language or communication needs ââ€" ¶reading reports and notes about service users that provide information on speech and language issues, learning difficulties,
Monday, November 4, 2019
An Analysis of Letter from a Birmingham Jail
A letter from Birmingham Prison was written by Dr. Martin Luther King in April 1963. As the title says, he is sitting in a prison in Birmingham, Alabama. King was sentenced for isolation in public places such as lunch counters and public toilets and sentenced for involvement in peaceful protest action (Berkley, 2003). When he was sentenced to prison, Mr. Kim protested against the White Ministers who believed that this was wise and obsolete demo guided by outsider guidance as partial demonstration. read. . The rhetorical analysis of Letters from Birmingham Prison, Letters from Birmingham Prison (Martin Luther King) is a letter to the king who wrote a letter to Priest in response to his recent criticisms. At that time I was leading Birmingham. This letter was written in April 1963. At that time, isolation was basically the peak in the south. In particular, Birmingham was said by the king probably the most isolated city in America ​​(King 7). Kim continues to inform the pr iests about reality, and waiting is no longer an option. In that letter, Kim uses various rhetoric methods. Dr. Martin Luther King, who rhetorically analyzed the letter from Birmingham Prison in Letters from Birmingham Prison said eight articles of clergy explaining Birmingham's racial injustice and money issues I answered. The reason for the organization is to protest against civil rights. He introduced himself and his behavior at the beginning of the letter. He stated that his direct action protest action was aimed at opening the door to the letter from Birmingham Prison. The letter explains the controversy that occurred when the clergy criticized Luther as it entered Birmingham. Luther King Jr wrote a letter to clergy, suggesting that racial discrimination is managed by a legal administrator and is not hindered by King and his team, outsiders. This letter was published by the American educational program
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Human Rationalism by Aristotle Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Human Rationalism by Aristotle - Research Paper Example The soul is not kind of body, but cannot exist independently without a body. According to Aristotle, reason is inborn and exists in human beings through an induction process that begins with a sense experience. For instance, Aristotle demonstrates that experience grants medical practitioners the capability to carry out accurate medical diagnosis when compared with medical theorists of layman. Thesis statement: rationalism leads reason which is the source of knowledge while rational soul strives to attainment of happiness which is the ultimate life goal. Reason is the cornerstone of knowledge while sensations are restricted. Reason deals with ideal aspects of knowledge while senses deal with the material aspects of phenomena. Aristotle recognizes that active reasons lead to objective thoughts while passive reasons receive objects of thought. Reasons support intelligent world thus many reasons are connected to the human being soul. Aristotle asserted that knowledge exists through the i nduction process. Human knowledge is derived from three forms that include sensation, thoughts and desires. Sensation is a passive state of the soul to be changed by external objects while thoughts entail active changes of forms without contact with external objects (Dawn 6). Thoughts entail a common sense without the involvement of sensory parts of the body. In addition, all senses lead to information, knowledge must be acquired rationally through the sense information. Through the use of reason, the universal truths can clearly be discovered and facilitate the deduction of other sciences. In ethics, the fundamental moral virtues are innate in human beings and moral principles can be evident to the rational faculty (Warne 34). Aristotle provides three aspects of the soul that include nutritive soul that cannot experience pleasure or pain. The sensitive soul that occurs when fetus starts to move thus can experience pain and pleasure. The third and important aspect of soul is the rat ional soul that is present in gods and human beings only. The rational soul includes all other soul forms and has the capacity to analyze and make a reasoned decision (Aristotle 3). The rational soul assists human beings in understanding different forms of relationships thus contributing to the knowledge process. According to Aristotle Nicomachean ethics, the rational soul consists of the theoretical part and deliberative part. The theoretical part entails faculty reasons or scientific reasoning activities, while the deliberative part is associated with human decisions. The rational soul is actuality of the body since it has the capability to behave and fulfill desires. The human function follows rational principle and entire soul acts with reason. Reason originates in rational soul since animals do not exhibit moral sense. Moral actions combine both character and intellect that entail development of the desires. According to Aristotle, the three goods which human beings try to atta in include goods of the soul such as virtues, goods of the body such as physical strength and good health and also external goods that entail political power, friends and wealth (Aristotle 8). However, Aristotle concludes that happiness is the last good that human rationalism strives to attain at the end of life. In addition, happiness entails having a good spirit and not simply being amused. It is the possession of a virtue and not sensation and some contributors of happiness include attainment of one’
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Social Media in Brand Management and Brand Research Paper
Social Media in Brand Management and Brand - Research Paper Example However, the organization has commonly embraced the use of, facebook, Google and mobile applications as its major marketing channels (Evans, & McKee, 2010). Weinberg (2009) argues that H & M netted a huge number of followers on face-book through its publication, which states that customers can easily get a quick response on their inquiries posted on the fan page. Moreover, the organization has gone a notch higher by integrating their face-book onto other international languages. For instance, the H & M organizations face-book is intercepted by the local Chinese social platforms; Youku and Sina-Weibo hence making it easier to market the organizational products through different languages internationally. Besides, H & M has drawn a pool of over ten million fans on its face-book fan page though promotional post by encouraging customers to earn more rewards from the purchases. The above tactic enables H & M to improve on its sales volume that later translates to higher organizational turnouts. Besides, the organization runs a promotion that requests customers to post images on H & M’s fan page to win a variety of festive prices. The above consideration is a great deal that aims at drawing more attention of customers towards the organizational products. A good example is â€Å"the hashtag #HMBikeStyle." Looking at the social perspective of popularizing H &M through facebook, the organization has made much fairness by allowing people across different classes, age and cultural backgrounds within the society to have equal position towards the realization of the organizational brands. Despite the fact that facebook plays recommendable role in H & M’s marketing, its service provision is never maintained all the time thus making it difficult to give instant answers to the customers. Besides, the sales person is not in a position to meet customers directly thus making it harder to determine customer’s
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Letter to relative requesting financial assistance to start a retail Article
Letter to relative requesting financial assistance to start a retail store - Article Example We intend to separate ourselves from the competition by utilizing both a brick and mortar storefront at the mall as well as a web presence. Therefore, our customer base will not be limited to local clients, but we will deal with a potential worldwide clientele. Our market research has indicated that there is a high level of dissatisfaction among gift recipients as a result of the lack of high- quality customized gifts that are also affordable. Our intention is to fill the gap between the high-end customized gifts and the lackluster generic gift market. The Gift Basket Company offers these people an alternative, providing them memorable and magical gift baskets. For example, we use highly detailed surveys to prepare our baskets, in which the customer gives details about such things as favorite colors, foods, hobbies, interests and other items of interest that help us build the most appropriate gift basket. Daily employee relations create an enormous opportunity for corporate gift baskets. Companies are experiencing more and more needs for gifts: congratulatory gifts for new births or marriages, sympathy gifts for bereaved family members and even smaller items to welcome a new employee or give thanks to a longstanding employee. In addition, the clientele for corporate gifts is wide open.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Individual Team And Organisational Objectives Management Essay
Individual Team And Organisational Objectives Management Essay Performance objectives can be defined as a goal that describes something that has to be accomplished within a given period of time. In other words, performance objectives express the direction and level of achievement expected from the organisation as a whole and, at lower levels, from the individual parts, team part, sections and departments which make up the organisation. http://www.exponentialtraining.com. The writer will be using his care company called Extra Mile Care Company as an illustration on how a performance objective applies to his organisation. The nature of the job description of the organisation is domiciliary care which means we help people who want to remain at the comfort of their beloved homes but are unable manage on their own, to achieve their daily task such as personal care. 1.1 Explain The Links Between Individual, Team And Organisational Objectives. As Carlos (1999) stated, the link between individual, team and organisational objectives is an agreed contract to achieve a common goal within a specific period of time. And as a matter of fact, the link between individual, team and organisation objectives simply describes the overall objectives which the team and the organisation aimed to achieve on either a short term period or long term period. At Extra mile, individual, team and organisation objective is to provide best care service to those who need their service in the community and to be the best care company in the country by 2013 and by achieving this, the other objectives such as giving their best care training quality also have to be met. And for this reason, the organisation strategic creates an effective link between individual, team and the organisation objectives so that the effort of both individual and team and the organisation can aligned with the organisation overall business plan. Extra mile organisation objectives S Specific Objective is specific because the company specialised in caring. M Measurable because the company have a group of people that needs the service. A Achievable Team objectives are achieved with a precise period of time R Realistic Our clients relied on Extra mile carers in looking after them or relatives. T- Time specific The Company have a time limit of when the objective should be achieved. 1.2 Identify The Selection Of, And Agree, Individual And Team Objectives According to Ryan (2007), in other to accomplish explicit and valuable results, there must be a need for a proper selection of individual and team for objectives in any organisation. Selection of and agree individual and team objectives is a process of selecting a right individual or team to carry out a particular job effectively, so as to achieve the organisation objective. A right individual and team must be accessed through their level of competency, right skills and knowledge, backgrounds, medical reports and so on. At extra mile, selection of, and agree, individual and team objectives is a very crucial task which is normally carried out by HR Manager(s). This is a process of getting a right individual for a right objectives, as well as right team for the right objectives upon agreement. Every staff (both individual and team) of extra mile are equally access, so as to know if they can achieve the organisation objectives. Because of the nature of the organisation objectives, Extra mile identifies the selection of both individual and team through their: Qualifications Experience Age Right skills and knowledge Personal interest for the job Medical history Criminal Records bureau check (CRB) It is the responsibility of managers to make sure that they select right individual or team for the organisation objectives, because failure of right selection of an individual or a team will have a terrible influence on the companys objectives. 1.3 Identify And Agree Areas Of Individual And Team Responsibility In Achieving Objectives Dewaker (2008), suggested that individual and team are required to first of all understand the basic objectives of the organisation for which they are working and the manager is required to define the better details of the job or task to his staff so that he may be able to relate his contribution towards achieving the overall objective of the organisation. Identifying areas of individual and team responsibilities in achieving objectives is mostly carried out by the team leader or the manager; this is a process of knowing the responsibilities of individual and team in achieving objectives. At Extra mile Care Company, the basic responsibilities of their staffs both individual and a team in achieving objectives are outlined by the manager or in the staff contract letter. Responsibilities of carers at extra mile care company for their clients are: Personal care, which includes washing, bathing, showering, assistance with dressing/ undressing, toileting, etc. Assistance with medication. Shopping. Preparing and cooking meals and snacks. Laundry. Health hygiene cleaning. Community access. Emotional support. This will become the individual or team responsibilities, only if they agree to carry out the responsibility. 1.4 Identify the need to create an environment of trust and support with others Fisher (2006) suggested that managers who build trust within their team are more likely to create an environment of openness where people feel good about themselves and others. Trusted colleagues helps people to accomplish their work, and people work better if they are treated with respect, support trust and honesty by those they work for. At extra mile, the manager realised the importance of creating an environment of trust and support with others because it helps in many ways such as: Cooperation between individual and team Increase in loyalty and commitment from those they manage Increase in number of good working relationships Decrease the number of difficulty relationship by converting them to neutral. Ashok (2010) also stated that low trust environment people suffer as they cannot work to the full potential due to lack of support from others which puts hurdles on growth, coexistence and co-operation. 2.1 Evaluate and assess individual and team performance against objectives According to Cristina et al (2003); it is a basic fundamental of any organisation is to design how to evaluate and access performance of both team and individual member, and the assessment should be focus on the team and individual outcome. At extra mile, evaluation is undertaken to: Set performance objectives Assess past performance Help improve current performance Assesses training and development needs Established channel of communication Facilitate review of employees Develop human relation skills of the assessors. Extra mile evaluate and assess their staff and team performance against objectives by the outcome of their performance and the organisation mainly does this evaluation so as to know whether or not the individual is meeting up the companys objectives. And in process the term of quantity, time and cost of employee is also measured. Also its a systematically evaluation of individual and team employees job-related strengths and weaknesses to a set of pre-defined organisational standards. Generally Organisation assesses team outcomes like quality, quantity, creativity cost, and timeliness of the team deliverable. 2.2 Identify methods of providing feedback to individuals and teams on performance Williams and Curtis (2005) stated that, regular feedback based on objectives assessments of performance need to be given. Feedback is a discussion between people which reveals back how another person sees someone elses behaviour or performance. At Extra mile, given feedback is part of an assessments and about behaviour or an activity which highlight something well done or offering suggestion about how to do something better, and it is an important role that has to be carried out by the manager(s) and the reason for carrying out feedback is to ensure that staffs are satisfied with their objectives and to see how the individual or team performs in their objectives, also to check if there is anything that has to be improved in the organisation Methods of providing feedback at extra mile are in following ways: Self-assessment Verbal feedback to individuals Verbal feedback to team One-on-one feedback Feedback on behaviour Feedback on information Feedback on performance Feedback is a critical for extra mile Care Company because of the nature of the job, so as to learn how to improve their performance and suggestion on what to do in improving the staff performance in achieving their objectives should be discuss during the feedback. 2.3 Identify the causes of conflict, and describe strategies to minimise or prevent conflict According to Harris et al (2001), when conflicts arises, managers and supervisors who are in a position to influence and affect the attitudes and actions of those in disagreement may find it helpful to identify the causes and feelings of the parties involved. At extra mile conflict sometimes arise between colleagues, competitors and even clients. And once this occur, the manage will first of all identify the cause of that conflict and then find solution the that conflict if in any case is beyond what he can do then he will seek the advice of those are superior to him/her. The identified causes of conflict that has occurred in the organisation are: Lack of trust Different personal values Lack of participation Lack of resources Not achieving objectives Strategies to minimise or prevent conflicts Effective communication Participation in decision-making Team building Provision of flexibility Strategies to minimise conflict should be design in other to prevent, minimise and resolve conflict in the institution that will result in effectiveness and efficiency at individual and institutional level. Gupta (2007) 2.4 Explain recording systems for performance assessment for individuals or teams According to() Recording system for performance assessment is a prominent personality in field of human resources, it is a document in an organisation that serves as evidence of an activity of transaction formed by the organisation. Recording system at extra mile is a systematic, periodic and impartial record of an individual or teams activities in the matters pertaining to their present job. Processes of recording system at extra mile are: A content analysis- describe content in the organisation that needs recording A file plan- indicate where record are to be kept and how long to keep the records A compliance requirements document- rules that organisation must follow Process for holding records- needed when event such as litigations occurs Unmanaged recording system makes the performance of duties more difficult, costs organisations time, money and resources. 3.1 Explain a performance improvement cycle Performance improvement cycle is a process that design, measure, assess and improve performance of organisation strategies. And the ultimate goal is to allow the organisation to meet its goals. Joint commission recourses (2001). Performance improvement circle is an integral part of Extra Mile Care Company, and the company has determined to continuously improve their performance and demonstrate the quality of their service. These are process of improvement circle at extra mile namely: Design this is a stage that requires identifying the main aim of the organisation and for the process and design that allows it to achieve its objectives Measure- this is a stage provides a process on how well the organisation has achieved their aims. Assess this is a process where the company set their priority on what has to be achieved, and the assessment opportunity enables the organisation to rank priorities Improve- improvement actions are based on the results of measurement and assessment, at this stage the company would have known the areas thats they need to improve and implement specific innovations, which involves redesigning the process. Effective management of individual performance rests on managing the performance cycle. 3.2 Discuss the indicators of poor performance According to DuBrin (2008), poor performance is an ineffective job performance that does not meet the required standards for achieving the organisation objectives. Ineffective performers lower the growth of organisational objectives directly by not accomplishing their fair share of work, by so doing it lowers the organisation productivity and for this reason it is very important to deal with issues of poor performance in the organisation. At extra mile Care Company, consequences of poor performance are enormous and the HR manager ensures that they effectively manage the staffs to the required standard of the organisation. Indicators of poor performance are: Employee- Insufficient mental ability and education, Insufficient job knowledge, Low motivation, Excessive absenteeism and tiredness, Alcoholism and drug addiction Lateness Manager- Inadequate communication about job responsibility, Inadequate feedback, Negative and untrusting attitude, Bullying. Organisation- Organisation culture that tolerates poor performance, Intentional threat to job security, Reduce productivity Changes in policies without staff consultation Effective methods to deter underperformance For any organisation to handle poor performance successfully, certain factors have to be considered such as: The manager(s) has to be confident and competent to tackle underperformance There must be a clear communication between managers and staff Mutual trust Effective performance management systems Organisational culture that encourages employee involvement Joint objective setting Good staff development practices Poor performance is legally defined as when an employees behaviour or performance might fall below the required standard 3.3 Evaluate methods that support performance improvement Performance improvement is a way of analysing performance problem and finding a means to ensure good performance. The methods of improving performance of staffs at extra mile is by improving their performance in achieving objectives in areas that the individual or team are not meeting up with their goals, and also appraising and rewarding individuals for job well done. Methods that support extra mile care companys staffs are as follow: Training- we give our staffs the best training so as to perform to the best of their ability when carrying out their jobs Motivating- we motivate our staffs so that they can feel the sense of belonging to the organisation, and also encourage them and acknowledge the work they have done. Rewards- it is our culture to reward any staff that carry out his or her duties effectively every month, and we do this so as to encourage others to perform better. Job security- we try as much as possible to keep our staffs who are willing to stay in their job and we also provide them with benefit such as sick pay, holiday pay and so on. Salary- we increase salary of our staff that are with the company for a number of year and we make sure sire that our staffs receive the best salary among other competitors. These are methods in which we support the performance of our staffs. However we make sure the cost of the training is justified by the improvements in productivity and performance its likely to bring. 4.1 Discuss the organisations disciplinary and grievance procedures Disciplinary and grievance procedures are basis which provides clear and transparent ways for dealing with difficulties which may arise as part of working relationship from either employers or employees perspectives. (http://www.cipd.co.uk) At extra mile care company, organisations disciplinary and grievance procedure is a set of standards of performance and conduct reinforced by company rules. The reason for Disciplinary and grievance procedures is to ensure that every staff of EMCC is treated the same way in the similar circumstance, and also to make sure that issues are dealt with fairly and reasonably. Reasons why disciplinary procedures are needed at emcc are as follows: Employer know what action to take when there is a problem with employee To enable staffs to make appropriate decision Solving matters without ending up in tribunals if minor. To enable employer and employee agree to suitable goals Set as a set of rule that governs the behavior of both emcc and its staffs Reasons why grievance procedures are needed at extra mile are: To provide the staffs the cause of action if they have complaint Solving matters without ending up in tribunals Creates a point of contact to resolve issues Gives employee what action to take if a dispute cannot be solved informally. Disciplinary and grievances are rules and procedures help to promote orderly employment relations as well as fairness and consistency in the treatment of individuals and also provide guideline for adherence to the rules. All this a backed up In a legal document in the UK. 4.2 Identify the role of the manager in both a disciplinary and a grievance procedure The role of managers in both disciplinary and grievance procedure is to implement the disciplinary action when necessary also to make sure that the issue that arise is resolve with involvement of external body such as ACAS. There are several stages where the manager enforces their power in disciplinary and grievance procedures Role of manager in disciplinary procedure at Extra mile care company Managers gives verbal warning if the offence is minor Managers gives written warning for a subsequence minor offense or more serious offence Managers gives final warning for repeated offences or a very serious offence It also the role of manager to dismiss an employee if an employee commits gross misconduct. Role of manager in grievance procedure at extra mile care company Manager investigate the complaint within the department If matter still not resolve, it will be investigated by a more senior manager (if any) Finally if the compliant is beyond the organisation grievances procedure, it may be pursued outside the organisation such as ACAS. 4.3 Summaries the key aspects of legislation that applies to an organizations disciplinary and grievance procedures Legislation that applies to organisation under April 2009 Code of Practice 1, is design to help employers and employee deal with disciplinary and grievances situation in the workplace. Legislation that applies to disciplinary procedures are: Establish the facts of each case Inform the employee of the problem Hold a meeting the employee to discuss the problem Provide employee with an opportunity to appeal Leg that applies to grievances procedures are: Employee must know the nature of grievances Hold a meeting with employee to discuss grivances Allow employee to be accompanied at the meeting Decide on appropriate action Allow the employee to take grievances further if not resolved In conclusion, the purpose of Arun, K., Rachana, S., Principles of business management: Vishal Enclave, New Delhi 27. Atlantic Publishers and Distribution, 2000 Armstrong M, Stephens T, (2005); Management And Leadership. Kogan page limited, London UK, and Sterling VA, USA. Cristina B, Susan G, (2003); Virtual teams that work. Jossey-Bass, san Francisco ca usa http://www.cipd.co.uk/hr-resources/factsheets/discipline-grievances-at-work.aspx Lockett j (1992) Effective performance management, kogan page plc, London Ryan W (2007), performance by design, HRD pre Inc, Amherst us and Canada Dewaker G?(2008), performance Appraiser and compensation management, PHI Learning private limited new Delhi Eddie F(2006) Development of new competency and behavior model for skill in working with people for project managers, Druck and Bindungi, Germany Ashok G (2010) creating values in life, Author House, USA. William and Curties ?(2005) marketing management in practice, Elsevier Butterworth, heineman Jordan Hill, oxford uk Jeff H.O Sandra j H(2002), Organisation behavior bost business books Binghamton Usa Gupta B.L(2007) management of competency based learning 1ST edition, ashok kumar mittal, India Dubrin A.J (2008), essentials of management 8th edition, south western cenagage learning, usa. http://www.tutor2u.net/business/gcse/organisation_aims_objectives.htm
Friday, October 25, 2019
Abortion :: essays research papers
Sara is driving down 7th avenue in her red pickup truck, in a hurry and traveling well over the speed limit. Becky, who is 3 months pregnant, is waiting to cross the street on the corner of 7th avenue and Bell. The street light changes and Becky is signaled by the crosswalk sign to proceed across the street. Sara is putting in a new CD and not paying attention to the fact that she has a red light, without enough time to stop Sara runs the red light and hits Becky who has just started to cross the street. Now Becky is rushed to the hospital, she is hurt but will live but her baby dies. Should Sara be charged with the death of the unborn baby? On the other hand, Jessica, who is a 16-year-old girl, decides to sleep with an 18-year-old boy. She gets pregnant and has an abortion because she is not ready to be a mother. Should Jessica be charged with the death of an unborn baby? The answer to both of the questions is, yes. Abortion is wrong, cruel and most of all, it goes against the word of GOD.When a woman decides to have sex she is taking the chance of getting pregnant, even if she uses protection. If she doesn't want to get pregnant she shouldn't have sex, and she should be responsible enough to suffer the consequences. For example, Carrie is very promiscuous and finds out that she is pregnant, so she goes and has an abortion. Next time Carrie finds out that she has HIV, well she can't pay someone to get rid of her problem so she has to deal with it. Why shouldn't she have to deal with the fact of being pregnant? There are many other options to killing an innocent human: adoption or raising the child with the help of parents. However, some girls are forced to have an abortion.No matter the reason someone has for an abortion, it is still cruel. Some women are forced to have an abortion either by their parents or their spouse. This circumstance is very hard to argue because the woman who is pregnant is not making the choice and should not be held accountable for it. And that is the only reason anyone might consider having an abortion. Look at it like this, Jeff and Bonnie are building a house, what's the first thing they do?
Thursday, October 24, 2019
What is Freedom? Essay
Freedom is something that is viewed in many ways. Freedom can be something you earn, something you experience, or it can be something you think. People long ago had to work very hard for their freedom. Slavery was one of the times that freedom was given to nobody, and played a major role in the United States history. Slavery began around 1619, when the first African slaves were brought to the United States, they were workers without rights. (Slavery in America, 2014) They were told that if they worked for seven years, they would earn land and freedom. Abraham Lincoln once said, â€Å"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.†(Lincoln) In 1641 slavery was legalized, and the U.S. was against itself. In 1660 King Charles II established the Royals African Company, calling them black gold, where more African Americans had their freedom taken away. In 1860 more than a million African Americans were taken from their homes and sold off. By 1865 slavery was final ly abolished and they had their freedom to read and write, and their behavior and movement was no longer restricted. Freedom is based off your view and thought of the value it has to you, no one definition can relate to everything that freedom can mean. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, freedom is â€Å"the quality of being free†but what exactly does that mean? Does it mean you can do whatever you wish? Or does it mean everything you need is free? Jim Morrison once said, â€Å"The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.†(Morrison) Freedom within yourself can be to accept you for who you are, not be restricted on what you can do with yourself, let your imagination be free and soar outside the limits. Let your thoughts go where they wish and keep your mind set. Don Miguel Ruiz wrote in his book The Mastery of Love, â€Å"If you spend too much time judging yourself, you won’t have any time to love yourself or anyone else.†I believe this quote relates to freedom because like I said before, you need to let your mind be free to be able to live with freedom. Along with having internal freedom, you can experience and be rewarded with freedom. Experiencing freedom is not something everyone has. As a young kid, my parents always told me â€Å"Once you lose our trust it’s hard to gain it back.†And with this always being said to you, you learned to respect the freedom that you received, and wait until you are rewarded with more. As you get older and learn to drive you are given a whole new type of freedom. There are no words to explain the type of freedom you experience, and no emotion that is any greater. Someone once said â€Å"Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.†(teenage drivers, 1998- 2014) And this saying means to respect what freedom you have because some people have less and would give anything for your freedom. So what exactly is freedom? Well, Bubr (Bubr is someone who chose not to give their real name) once said start with the possibility to do whatever you want. You may want to share your freedom with other people, right? Then accept the fact that other people doing whatever they want are limiting your own freedom. Then, you come to the conclusion that you may not have freedom at all, if the freedom is a measure of the length of a leash. (Bubr) But, many other people have different views of freedom and it is not just what laws limit you too. Jarod Kintz said â€Å"Nothing, Everything, Anything, Something: If you have nothing, then you have everything, because you have the freedom to do anything, without the fear of losing something.†Freedom is not limited to just one person’s idea of it, their experiences, feelings, thoughts, and love towards freedom. â€Å"Freedom is the right to live as we wish. Nothing else.†(Epictetus, 2001-2014) It is not being limited with your rights and not being restricted with reading, writing, behavior and movement. It is not constantly being told what to do and limiting your mind to please others, first give yourself freedom then help others with theirs.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Music in Renaissance Period
Introduction Renaissance, literally, meaner rebirth; it is an era that began in sass's and ended in 1600 and its school of thought dramatically shifted from religious and mystical ideals to a focus to human interactions. It is worthy and important to understand the changes from the transition of musical period, because they mark and shape the music industry that stands now. For instance, opera was in its infancy when Gigolo Canine (1551-1681) started writing the first opera and now operas can be found in all around the world and in different cultures.There are tremendous aspects to talk bout of the transition from Medieval to Renaissance period, however this essay will only limit itself on the changes in vocal composition, and the historical events that might lead to such changes. Four aspects will be mainly focused on – change in style of vocal composition, reasons of increased secular composition, invention of new text types and what the biggest motivation behind all changes . Change in style of vocal composition When talking about the liturgical music from medieval period, one can easily associate to plainchant or more specific Gregorian chant.Gregorian Chant usually ivies us a single and narrow ranged of sacred melody and is perceived as the voice of church in that period. Then, polyphony was evolved around twelfth century. Organza (earliest polyphony) involved of adding a faster melody on top of a plainchant. It is rather easy to identify medieval music from Renaissance music, since Renaissance music is relatively richer and fuller. The texture is mostly polyphonic; however could be also homophobic with successions of chords.The bass register was used for the first time, this allows an expansion of pitch range at the same time usually provides a strong and full accompanies when play with the higher voices. Renaissance choral music study: Jonquil's Eave Maria Polyphonic imitation is a technique that best represents the typical style of renaissance voc al composition. The idea is that a short melody is presented by one voice and the other voices imitate the same thing but with delays, thus is similar to an echo of the first melody.This technique of overlapping provides the sense of continuity; and also as all the melodic lines were conceived at the same time instead of being conceived line by line in the renaissance period, the harmonic effect is more ICC and pleasant to hear. One of a great example of polyphonic imitation is the four-voice motet by Joaquin Desired (144(:)-1521). Being one of the most important composers in the renaissance period, Joaquin pioneered the â€Å"pervasive imitation†(a. K. Polyphonic imitation) as a contrapuntal device. His influence to the Western musical history is well recognized because pervasive imitation has became the ancestor of modern fugue (later in Baroque period,J. S. Bach was also being inspired and wrote many famous fugue composition. ) Eave Maria†¦ Virgo serene (1502) is a w ork by Joaquin that may best illustrate the quinine of pervasion imitation. Eave Maria is a chapel that is choral music in the renaissance period that did not need instrumental accompaniment.Yet, some a chapel used instrument to duplicate the vocal lines in order to support and reinforce the singers if they find it hard to maintain on the right pitches. At the opening pervasion imitation is used, soprano sings the single phrase â€Å"Eave Maria†and each voice sings the same melody in succession. In addition to imitation in different voices, it also occurs between pairs of voices. For instance, soprano and LTO come into duet in the phrase â€Å"Eave, cuss conception', while the two lower voices imitate in succession.In the phrase Virgo serene†, all voices sing together creating a feeling to completeness to the first verse. Comparing to the chants in medieval period, the pervasion imitation technique that was used in renaissance period definitely introduce new elements to the style of vocal composition and have made the choral singing more challenging yet interesting to work with. Increase in secular composition The development of secular pieces flourished in the renaissance period. This might u to several reasons, including the Reformation against Catholic Church, and the rise of printing press.Catholic Church came to a crisis in the sixteenth century, because of the leaders' obvious abuse of power and money. In addition to more education opportunities, people were more aware of the false knowledge the church had given them. Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a scholar and musician; he realized the doctrine of the Catholic Church – wealthy sinners can buy their way to heaven was contradicting to what he saw in the New Testament letters of the apostle Paul (salvation can only be offered by the grace of God).Such indulgence of the Church provoked reformation from different people, including Martin Luther who later led to the born of Lutheran Chur ch and Henry the eighth from England. As the power of Catholic Church started to fall, people were more aware of the expression of individual's feelings and compositional styles. Other than playing sacred music that centered on God, more and more secular music started to evolve. At the same time, musicians were taken more serious at the first time. In the medieval period, troubadours who were among the first to have written secular songs, were treated as the lowest social class.However the fate of musicians had totally changed in renaissance period. The ideal of â€Å"universal man†had been promoted; it is believed that every educated person was to be trained in music. Musicians now had higher social status; they got paid better and were recognize their work. The invention of printing press also helped to increase the secular composition. Mass publication of music was resulted by the printing press, and now music could survive in volumes and became a common language that not only nobles and people in the court knew.More people were educated with music and were able to make their win, thus the amount of secular music increased. Exploration of more music text types During the renaissance period, the increase in secular music had opened doors to other text types including madrigal, ballet and other instrumental music. Madrigal usually refers to a piece for several solo voices set to a short poem, and is usually set in a chapel or solo voices with very light accompany. Since it was among the first to set story into music, madrigal was also identify as the ancestor of the modern opera.Many people have questioned the origin of opera, however it is lived that The Florentine Camera, a group of intellectuals who met in the home of Count Giovanni De' Bard to discuss trends of art and philosophy, were the ones who inspired the development of opera. The Camera thought that the music in those days were very corrupted, and the only way to save it is to root back to the style of ancient Greek. They also centered on the overuse of polyphony, since polyphony could only create confusion rather than the clarity in expressing â€Å"conception of one's soul†.Therefore, they encouraged â€Å"monody' that was a single melodic line with accompaniment, and also the ancestor of opera. Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) was the earliest composer who explored the technique tone painting in madrigal. Tone painting is the illustration of the meaning of specific words through musical symbolism. For instance, if there were a word â€Å"long†in the text, then the tone would be very long on that word. Another type of renaissance secular text type is ballet.Ballet is a danceable song for several solo voices; also following the ideal of the Camera ballet was mostly homophobic in texture with the melody in the highest voice. Before renaissance, instrumental music were Just accompaniment to vocal sounds. However, during the sixteenth century, more music w as specifically written for instruments. Besides organ, harpsichord and clavichord both evolved in the fifteenth century. There was also a more organized grouping for instrument in terms of their volumes. They were two groups, altar capable and bass capable meaning loud and soft ensembles.Altar capable that is the loud ensembles included shams, pipes and even percussion. While bass capable included harp, lute and other plucked string. The secret driving force There was a new ideal that was driving all those changes from medieval to incessant music – the Humanism. During the medieval period, music was often a way to seek for a more intimate relationship with God. Yet, the renaissance ideals shifted from â€Å"God-centric†to â€Å"human-centric†, the will and interactions of human were more emphasized.The loss of power of the Catholic Church was originated to the psychological change of Man. People's wills were no long being controlled by the authority, instead t hey were dare to question about the fidelity of the doctrine. The rise of secular music was another sign for the new renaissance ideal. Secular music brought entertainment to the incessant era; people could play secular music in weddings and on the street. This kind of entertainment was fulfilling to people in those times, and people were willing to engage to this activity that made them feel pleasant.Conclusion The transition of the music in medieval period to renaissance period was indeed very spectacular. The literal meaning of the word â€Å"renaissance†best illustrated the state of the music from medieval period – rebirth. The change in vocal composition might be the most obvious change of all. The expansion of range, enriched tone color and the use of new technique had brought music to another level; the music in incessant was more challenging but more interesting to play with.Due to the reformation of new churches, and the invention of printing, he amount of se cular composition being produced had also increased in this era. New music text types had also been explored; the most important of all – madrigal had promoted the growth of opera in later years, ballet and also instrumental music. Yet, among all those change in style of music, or the political adjustments, the most powerful driving force behind the changes was the philosophy of humanism that was floating in the air; the ideals of it had allowed people to emphasize more on â€Å"human-centered†aspects like free will and entertainments.
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