Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Biblical Creationism versus Scientific Origin Essay example
Commonly, religious discussion turns to the subject of origins. There are two reasons for this: firstly, there are those with a literal or semi-literal interpretation of the Bible (or other relevant holy book) who remain convinced that the world was created in the recent past looking more or less as it does today. Obviously, this issue must be resolved before the existence or nature of the deity can even begin to be discussed! Secondly, even those with the more common, nonliteral interpretation of the creation story often use arguments that arent valid to insist on direct interference by a deity at one or more points in the past. And while thanks to its flexibility this tinkering God theory cannot be ruled out to the same degree as†¦show more content†¦Age of trilobites. Mesozoic (245-65 Mya): Middle epoch; from the Permian extinction until the K-T (dinosaur) extinction. Age of dinosaurs. Cenozoic (65-0 Mya): Recent epoch. Starts with the K-T extinction and continues today. Age of mammals. Subject 1: Evolution and the Origins of Life The most immediate question one can ask regarding origins is where humans - and, for that matter, other life forms - came from. The secular world has long since identified evolution as the theory that best answers this question. The theory of evolution is also the target of the vast majority of creationist attacks, probably because they find the idea of humans stemming from lower life forms particularly abhorrent. Many of the criticisms are dated or irrelevant; others are outright falsehoods. In any event, with very few exceptions they refer to the same categories of evidence as supporters of evolution do but draw different interpretations, generally using arguments that are either based on a minority of cases but are refuted by many others, based on false premises, or philosophically unacceptable. Ill try to address in advance all of them below. 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Due to their disagreements he had traveled to a different country only to fail to understand his new professor s teaching s The United States of America was founded upon the Christian God but yet teachers are not even allowed to teach about the Biblical creation theory of how Earth was made. They are forced to only teach about the big-bang theory and evolution. What students are being taught today is only a scientific theory and can not be provedRead MoreEssay about The Influence of Religion on Scientific Advancement1737 Words  | 7 Pagesreligious movements have occasionally impeded scientific discovery; however, there is also evidence that scientific progression has been aided by religious ideology. By examining both the negative and positive roles religion has played in history, modern times, and the overall area of morality, one can determine the true extent to which faith hinders scientific advancement. 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Creationism, the idea that God created all the species as they appear today, versus Evolutionism, the idea that all life evolved from simple bacteria to all the species that appear today, is a familiar controversy. Ever since Darwin first published the Theory of Evolution in his controversial 1859 book The OriginRead MoreEssay on Creation vs. Evolution in the Public Schools1342 Words  | 6 Pagesneither opinions’ palpability can be firmly upheld through scientific manners. Since science can only prove hypotheses that are testable and based on current observations, neither creation nor evolutionary concepts can be proven with irrefutable evidence. However, regardless of the inability to prove either concept, most public school systems promote evolution as a scientific fact. Many students who lack firm beliefs about the origin of life believe what they are taught without giving any personalRead MoreThe Debate Between Evolution and Creationism1648 Words  | 7 Pagesthe question was posed as to what is the debate between creationism vs. evolution consist of, the thought that it is ‘â€Å"God did it†vs. â€Å"Natural processes did it,†’ (Scott, 2004) may arise. Science cannot absolutely prove or disprove Creation or Evolution. Yet scientist and the remainder of society use creationism and evolution to prove our existence. Creationist believe in the Christian account of the origin as recorded in Genesis. Creationism is the belief that statements such as â€Å"In the beginningRead MoreDefending Evolution And Its Importance1286 Words  | 6 Pagesdefinition of creationism is the belief that the universe and living organisms originated from specific acts of a divine creation, as a biblical account, rather than natural processes such as evolution. Creationism is perhaps one of the biggest roadblocks that divides the educational system; it prevents the teaching of biological evolut ion because evolution is inconsistent with creationist ideals. Thus many court cases and debates have been devoted to the topic of creationism versus evolution. TheRead MoreThe Creationism Question Essay1829 Words  | 8 PagesIn a historical context, creationism versus the theory of evolution has always been a hotly contested subject, one of the major breakthroughs being when Darwin publicized his theory of evolution. When Darwin published his theory of evolution in 1859, his book was considered a major technological breakthrough at that time. The seeming â€Å"proof†that a God didn’t exist created a catalyst, where creationism was replaced with an almost atheism, because the existence of evolution counteracted society’sRead MoreEssay on Creation’s Contest with Evolution2006 Words  | 9 Pagesthe largest controversies in todays public school systems: should creationism still be taught in public schools? In the trial, Clarence Darrow argued that teaching creationism in public schools defies the separation of church and state (which is pulled from the first amendment). Darrow moved on to say that evolution does not disobey the first amendment. The trial denied all public schools the right to teach creationism-a belief that humans were created by a higher being-although evolution
Monday, December 16, 2019
Women Entrepreneurs Free Essays
WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS: Women entrepreneurs may be defined as a woman or a group of women who initiate, organize and run a business enterprise. In terms of Schumpeterian concept of innovative entrepreneurs, women who innovate, initiate or adopt a business activity are called business entrepreneur. It is the group of women or single women running an enterprise or company in order to earn profit. We will write a custom essay sample on Women Entrepreneurs or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now days because of  women empowerment women are stepping-stone into the industries and are taking the place of men. Now a day’s women’s are running several business like beauty parlours, switching shops, boutiques, etc. The areas chosen by women are retail trade, restaurants, hotels, education, cultural, cleaning insurance and manufacturing. Women entrepreneurs have been making a significant impact in all segments of the economy in Canada, Great Britain, Germany Australia and US. Till the turn of the century, man has enjoyed a dominant position. But change in position technological innovation and modern way of thinking can reduce the disparity between man and women, and bring about equality and equity between them, the need of the hour in women empowerment both through provision of employment and enterprise creation. The Government of India has defined women entrepreneurs based on women participation in equity and employment of a business enterprise. Accordingly, a woman entrepreneur is defined as an enterprise owned and controlled by a woman having a minimum financial interest of 51% of the capital and giving at least 51% of the employment generated in the enterprise to a woman. They have made their mark in business because of the following reasons: * They want to improve their mettle in innovation and competitive jobs. * They want the change to control the balance between their families and responsibility and their business levels. They want new challenges and opportunities for self fulfilment. Role of women as an Entrepreneur’s: 1) Imaginative: It refers to the imaginative approach or original ideas with competitive market. Well-planned approach is needed to examine the existing situation and to identify the entrepreneurial opportunities. It further implies that women entrepreneurâ€⠄¢s have association with knowledgeable people and contracting the right organization offering support and services. 2) Attribute to work hard: Enterprising women have further ability to work hard. The imaginative ideas have to come to a fair play. Hard work is needed to build up an enterprise.. 3) Persistence: Women entrepreneurs must have an intention to fulfill their dreams. They have to make a dream transferred into an idea enterprise; Studies show that successful women work hard. 4) Ability and desire to take risk the desire refers to the willingness to take risk and ability to the proficiency in planning making forecast estimates and calculations. 5) Profit earning capacity:  she should have a capacity to get maximum return out of invested capital. A Woman entrepreneur has also to perform all the functions involved in establishing an enterprise. These include idea generation, and screening, determination of objectives, project preparation, product analysis, determination of forms of business organization, completion of formal activities, raising funds, procuring men machine materials and operations of business. Fredrick Harbiscon, has enumerated the following five functions of a women entrepreneur’s : * Exploration of the prospects of starting a new business enterprise. * Undertaking a risk and handling of economic uncertainties involved in business. * Introduction of innovations, imitations of innovations. * Co ordination, administration and control. Supervision and leadership. In nutshell, women entrepreneur are those women who think of a business enterprise, initiate it organize and combine the factors of production, operate the enterprise, undertake risk and handle economic uncertainties involved in running a business enterprise The role of women entrepreneur in economic development is inev itable. Nowadays, women enter not only in selected professions but also in professions like trade, industry and engineering. Women are also willing to take up business and contribute to the nation’s growth. This role is also eing recognized and steps are being taken to promote women entrepreneurship The concept of Women Entrepreneurs may be defined as women or group of women who initiate, organize and run a business enterprise. Women owned businesses are highly increasing in the economies of almost all countries. Women’s empowerment in India is still an illusion. Empowering women entrepreneurs is essential for achieving the goals of sustainable development. The government of India safeguards the interests of women authorizer to bring the effective implementation and utilization of social economic and political status of women in India. In order to face the problems faced by women entrepreneurs, the Government of India launched the scheme Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development of Women (TREAD). The main objective of the scheme is to empower women through development of their entrepreneurial skills by eliminating constraints faced by them in their sphere of trade. This assistance is to be provided for self-employment ventures by women pursuing any kind of non-farm activity. Promoting entrepreneurship among women is certainly a shortcut to rapid economic growth and development. A successful woman entrepreneur has the attitude and the inner drive to change her dream and her vision to reality. A successful woman entrepreneur should be given proper empowerment that will increase her success with the society. SOCIAL SCHEMES:Women entrepreneurs have achieved remarkable success. The Micro, Small ; Medium Enterprises Development Organisation (MSME-DO), the various State Small Industries Development Corporations (SSIDCs), the nationalised banks and even NGOs are conducting various programmes including Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs). To cater to the needs of potential women entrepreneurs, who may not have adequate educational background and skills, MSME-DO has introduced process/product oriented EDPs in areas like TV repairing, printed circuit boards, leather goods, screen printing etc. A special prize to â€Å"Outstanding Women Entrepreneur†of the year is being given to recognise achievements made by and to provide incentives to women entrepreneurs. The Office of DC (MSME) has also opened a Women Cell to provide coordination and assistance to women entrepreneurs facing specific problems. There are also several other schemes of the government like the * Income Generating Scheme implemented by the Department of Women and Child Development, which provides assistance for setting up training-cum-income generating activities for needy women to make them economically independent. * The Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has been implementing two special schemes for women namely Mahila Udyam Nidh i which is an exclusive scheme for providing equity to women entrepreneurs and the Mahila Vikas Nidhi which offers developmental assistance for pursuit of income generating activities to women. The SIDBI has also taken initiative to set up an informal channel for credit needs on soft terms giving special emphasis to women. Over and above this, SIDBI also provides training for credit utilisation as also credit delivery skills for the executives of voluntary organisations working for women. * Grant for setting up a production unit is also available under Socio-Economic Programme of Central Social Welfare Board. | How to cite Women Entrepreneurs, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Counter strike Essay Example For Students
Counter strike Essay There have been many significant new additions to the entity set for Beta5. The following is a list of new features and how to implement them. All Beta4 entities are still supported and their functionality has not been changed. If you add the new Beta5 entities they will be used instead of the Beta4 entities you had in the map before. The classical method for determining hostage rescue zones is to check to see if a player is within a set distance from an info_hostage_rescue entity, or one of his teams spawn points. There is now another new brush entity called func_hostage_rescue that gives the level designer more control over where players can rescue hostages. If a map does not have any func_hostage_rescue entities, the classical method is used instead (so that old maps will still work the same way). However, placing one or more func_hostage_rescue entities in a map causes the game to ignore both spawn points and info_hostage_rescue entities. info_hostage_rescue entities should be deleted if func_hostage_rescue entities are added. Properties: Targetname of entity to trigger when a hostage is rescuedThe classical method for determining buy zones is to check to see if a player is within a set distance from one of his teams spawn points. There is now another new brush entity called func_buyzone that gives the level designer more control over where players can purchase items. If a map does not have any func_buyzone entities, the classical method is used to determine buy zones. Be aware that it is now possible to place spawn points outside of buy zones. This can be undesirable under many circumstances (ex. when the freeze period is long), so care should be taken to insure that spawn points are placed within buy zones. Properties: Team (Can be set to Counter-terrorist, Terrorist or All teams)The number of players that can join a team is now determined by the number of spawn points for the team. For example: If you only have 5 CT start points in your map only 5 CTs could join the CT team. This was done to prevent players from spawning into teammates if there werent enough spawn points in a map. The suggested maximum players for a server is still 20. It is very important that you include at least 10 spawn points per team or some players may be able to join a server but not be able to join a team. There is a new func_bomb_target brush entity to replace the existing info_bomb_target point entity. func_bomb_target is used to define regions that a player must be touching to place the bomb. (Be aware that the bomb itself can still end up outside one of these regions.) If there are both func_bomb_target and info_bomb_target entities in a map, the info_bomb_target entities will be ignored. Old maps will still work because they only use info_bomb_target entities. We have also added the ability to target events when a bombing is successful. Be careful not to have cracks the bombs can be dropped into in the bomb target zones. Properties: Targetname of entity to trigger when the bombing is successfulPlayer Height. The player view point has been lowered from the standard Half-Life height to line up with the eye level of Counter-Strike models. The view height while ducking has not been changed. You should be aware that a lower view point will make your map look a bit different to the player. Team Selection. Players can now choose which team they will play on immediately when they join a game. Auto Hostage Rescue. You no longer need to press a hostage rescue key to rescue hostages. Instead the hostages are automatically rescued when you enter a valid hostage rescue area. This feature is in the 4.1 patch and is also included in Beta5. .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .postImageUrl , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:hover , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:visited , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:active { border:0!important; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:active , .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19 .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uabc3cc5b792f0a7692a5295c11855e19:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Muhammad Ali EssayHostage Rescue Zone Icon. When you are running around a level an icon is displayed when you are in a Hostage Rescue Zone. The icon is a capital R with a circle around it. Buy Zone Icon: When you are running around a level an icon is displayed when you are in a Buy Zone for your team. The icon is a shopping cart. Intro Camera. When a player first joins a map they will view the world from all available trigger_camera entities. The standard server rotation time between cameras is 6 seconds. You do not need to allow the players to have in-game access to the cameras. If no trigger_cameras are found in a level the intro text and team selection will happen over a black background. Intro Text. This text message is displayed at the start of a map. The text file should follow the format of released Counter Strike B5 maps. Important information such as the number of hostages, number of bomb targets and a brief description of the scenario should be included in this text file. The info text file should be named the same as your bsp with the extension txt added instead. (This is the same as TFC info text files). The text files must be very small as they have to be displayed on 320240 screens. If the text files are too big they will be clipped so please check them in the game. Bibliography:
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