Friday, May 22, 2020
HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules The Computer, the Nurse...
HIPAA: Privacy and Security Rules The Computer, the Nurse and You Introduction How would you like to keep track of your personal health information record in your computer at home? The electronic data exchange was one of the goals of the government to improve the delivery and competence of the U.S. healthcare system. To achieve this plan, the U.S. Congress passed a regulation that will direct its implementation. The Department of Health and Human Services is the branch of the government that was assigned to oversee the HIPAA rules. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is a national public law in the United States that was created to improve health insurability, prevent insurance abuse and to protect†¦show more content†¦The U.S. government has assigned the Department of Health and Human Services to oversee this public act. There were several steps that were taken to improve and amend the law. The HIPAA timeline can be found in Appendix A to give details as to when the HIPAA law was created, developed and amended. (North Carolina DHHS, 2008) It also includes the future timelines as set target dates for compliance. (Wisconsin DHHS, 2010) The HIPAA terminologies that were used are important in understanding the law. Most of them can be found in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website as a reference guide for everyone. Examples include covered entities, patient identifiers, business associates and other useful terms. More information about the law can be obtained by visiting the DHHS website and typing â€Å"HIPAA†as the keyword on the search column. (DHHS, 2002) One of the issues surrounding the HIPAA law was written by Dr. Richard Sobel (2007) he stated that HIPAA is often described as a privacy rule, but it is not. He further explained that, â€Å"it is a disclosure regulation, and it has effectively dismantled the longstanding moral and legal tradition of patient confidentiality.†The other issue about this public act was expressed by Harman (2005) saying that â€Å"HIPAA has introduced the public to practices for the release of informationShow MoreRelatedEssay On Public Need For Health Care1023 Words  | 5 Pagesdoctors and patients. Prior to the advancement of computers into the medical world, the industry was mainly paper records that were written and stored in file rooms. Only people who were authorized could get to these records because they had the keys to the room. During the early 1990’s however, computerizing medical records was starting to become the normal way of taking care of patients, recording their vital signs and their medical histories onto a computer. 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If the doctor says something needs to be done, the government should guarantee it gets paid for.†I strongly agree with Michael Moore’s statement about how health care needs to be confidential. If anything should be done, then the federal government are the ones to offer it. Health information is to help doctors understand their patient’sRead MorePrivacy Of A Healthcare Facility The Privacy Officer Essay1340 Words  | 6 Pages Privacy Officer in a Hospital Crystal Burch Utica College Abstract In a healthcare facility the privacy officer has many different areas in which they are responsible for managing. They have to develop and continually update the facilities policies and oversee and maintain the servers and computer used with in the facility. 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You have the right to decide whether or not family members are privy to your medical information. If you are changing jobs, why worry about health insurance coverage. Picture this. A woman called a local hospital and inquired about the condition of a patient. She was informed by the nurse that the patient was on a ventilator and couldRead MoreHandling Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act Violations in a Hospital Environment2721 Words  | 11 Pagesinstitutions, things can be improved for the approximately 200 nurses employed on staff. From the research that this author has doen, the geatest gap in our hospitals educational needs (and possibly the most expensive is the lack of knowledge of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) amongst hospital staff nurses. To test fellow department employees, the author interview ed them with semi-structured interview questions regarding HIPAA each interview being about half an hour each. Each participant
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Maggie Lena Walker First Woman Bank President
Maggie Lena Walker was the first woman bank president in the United States. Known most as a business executive, she was also a lecturer, writer, activist, and philanthropist. She lived from July 15, 1867 to December 15, 1934. Early Life Maggie Walker was the daughter of Elizabeth Draper, who had been enslaved in her early years. Draper worked as a cooks assistant in home of the noted Civil War spy Elizabeth Van Lew,  Maggie Walkers father, according to family tradition, was Eccles Cuthbert, and Irish journalist and Northern abolitionist. Elizabeth Draper married a co-worker in the home of Elizabeth Van Lew, William Mitchell, the butler. Maggie took his last name. Mitchell disappeared and was found a few days later, drowned; it was assumed hed been robbed and murdered. Maggies mother took in laundry to support the family. Maggie attended school in Richmond, Virginias segregated schools. Maggie graduated from Colored Normal School (Armstrong Normal and High School) in 1883. A protest by the ten African American students over being forced to graduate in a church led to a compromise allowing them to graduate at their school. Maggie began teaching. Young Adulthood It was not Maggies first involvement in something beyond the ordinary for a young girl. In high school, she joined a fraternal organization in Richmond, the Independent Order of St. Luke Society. This organization provided health insurance and burial benefits for members, and also was involved in self-help and racial pride activities. Maggie Walker helped form a juvenile division of the Society. Marriage and Volunteer Work Maggie married Armstead Walker, jr., after meeting him at church. She had to give up her job, as was usual for teachers who married, and, while raising their children, she put more efforts into volunteer work with the I. O. of St. Luke. She was elected Secretary in 1899, at a time the Society was on the brink of failing. Instead, Maggie Walker took on a major membership drive, lecturing not only in and around Richmond but around the country. She built it up to more than 100,000 members in more than 20 states. Madame Bank President In 1903, Maggie Walker saw an opportunity for the Society and formed a bank, the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, and she served as president of the bank until 1932. This made her the first (known) woman president of a bank in the United States. She also led the Society to more self-help programs and philanthropic efforts, founded an African American newspaper in 1902 for which she wrote a column for many years, and lectured extensively on race and womens issues. In 1905, the Walkers moved into a large home in Richmond, which after her death became a national historic site maintained by the National Parks Service. In 1907, a fall at her home caused permanent nerve damage, and she had trouble walking the rest of her life, leading to the nickname, the Lame Lioness. In the 1910s and 1920s, Maggie Walker also served on a number of organizational boards, including the executive committee of the National Association of Colored Women and more than 10 years on the board of the NAACP. Family Tragedy In 1915, tragedy struck Maggie Lena Walkers family, as her son Russell mistook his father for a home intruder, and shot him. Russell was acquitted in a murder trial as his mother stood beside him. He died in 1924, and his wife and child came to live with Maggie Walker. Later Years In 1921, Maggie Walker ran as a Republican for state Superintendent of Public Instruction. By 1928, between her old injury and diabetes, she was wheelchair-bound. In 1931, with the Depression, Maggie Walker helped merge her bank with several other African American banks, into the Consolidated Bank and Trust Company. With her ill health, she retired as bank president and became board chair of the merged bank. Maggie Walker died in Richmond in 1934. More Facts Children: Russell Eccles Talmadge, Armstead Mitchell (died as infant), Melvin DeWitt, Polly Anderson (adopted) Religion: active from childhood in Old First Baptist Church, Richmond Also known as: Maggie Lena Mitchell, Maggie L. Walker, Maggie Mitchell Walker; Lizzie (as a child); Lame Lioness (in her later years)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Construction industry Free Essays
In construction industry, professionals must be able to follow different rules, policies for designing and building any infrastructure. One of these is the adherence of construction professionals for sustainable design. Accordingly, the practice of enhancing the efficiency of the buildings and their use of water, materials, and energy as well as reduction of building impact on the health of the people and the environment is called sustainable designing or also known as sustainable building. We will write a custom essay sample on Construction industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now In doing so, the authorities responsible for green building adhere to this needs by conducting an effective and efficient complete building life cycle which include better sitting, designing, constructing, operation, maintenance and removal (Hopkins, 2002). Sustainable design brings together an immense array of approaches and practices to decrease or completely eliminate the negative effects of buildings on the environment. Accordingly, sustainable design can be defined as structures or buildings which have minimum or low adverse effects on both natural and build environment as well as the immediate surroundings and the wider regional and global setting. The adherence of sustainable design can affect my career in many ways. First, sustainable design trends in terms of methods and materials may have a great influence on how I consider the materials and methods that I can use for sustainable designing. being a professional who adheres to the trends of sustainable or green building I can say that this concept affects me in thinking about how the construction materials and methods will affect the occupants. Herein, I am able to determine quality and the conditions of the materials and anticipate its impacts on the health of the occupants. Secondly, this context affects my career in a way that I can be able to be more competitive I using materials which has natural benefit to the design, In this regard, I can be able to be more resourceful and environmental friendly by fitting the construction and its design procedures into the natural environment (Jones, 1998) in order to take advantage of existing free benefits like heat and light from the sun, the shading from the trees as well as the insulation from hillside topography in order to decrease the land impact and the need for non-renewable resources or wasteful use of resources. Lastly, my career can be affected by sustainable design in a way that it will help me broaden my knowledge in identifying the most appropriate and environmental-friendly technological and technical equipments. Some scholars believed that even if technology can enable people to gain sustainability, it also have the capacity to harm the environment if it will not be used cautiously. Hence, being a professional, I can be able to determine which can be used in the sustainable designing. Reference Jones, DL 1998. Architecture and the Environment, Woodstock and New York: The Overlook Press Hopkins, R. 2002. A Natural Way of Building. Transition Culture. How to cite Construction industry, Essays
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