Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Jesus Christ and The Misfit in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard t
Jesus Christ and The Misfit in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find In Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find,†there are numerous Christian themes found all through the story, however the one that I discovered most intriguing is the way that O’Connor is evidently drawing matches between The Misfit and Jesus Christ. At first it appears as though it is highly unlikely this could really be genuine what could the Son of God who yielded Himself to benefit mankind share practically speaking with a hoodlum and a looter who escapes from prison and slaughters a group of six without hesitating? Upon closer assessment, we can see that they are more comparable than one may at first think. The principal knowledge we might have the option to draw is regarding the matter of names. The Misfit is a term that could without much of a stretch be applied to Christ. In His time, Christ was an outsider, a revolutionary, and a man who didn't fit the standards of the general public where He lived. He took a shot at the day of rest, He become a close acquaintence with charge authorities and whores, and He drove the moneychangers out of the Temple in Jerusalem. (Imprint 3, Matthew 9, Matthew 21). T...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Some students have a background or story that is so central to their Essay - 3
A few understudies have a foundation or story that is so key to their personality that they accept their application would be deficient without it. In the event that this seems like you, at that point please share your story - Essay Example My folks needed to move in light of their excursions for work and other business related issues, while I was to finished my instruction away from them. Consistent moving was impeding my tutoring thus they regarded it better on the off chance that I remained in a solitary spot, regardless of whether it implied avoiding them. Regularly, we don't understand the penances that our friends and family make for us and our psyche just spotlights on its negative parts. I confess to having experienced similar sentiments where I concentrated more on the nonappearance of my folks throughout my life. I used to feel that they didn't cherish me and that I was only an undesirable weight on their lives. At the point when I used to take a gander at the individuals around me and how kids were content with their folks, I felt horrendous from within. There was a void which my folks didn't fill and the vacancy became more grounded with time. I despised being brought into the world ordinarily. At whatever p oint I went over families that were finished and youngsters who were with their folks, in addition to the fact that I felt pitiful I used to get envious of them. I used to ponder a great deal regarding why I was unable to bond on such a level with my folks. The absence of compelling figures throughout my life really delivered a vacant injury. At some point, I discovered the photos of my folks when they were youthful. The photos looked old however I was unable to help grinning at them on the grounds that these photos indicated probably the most joyful snapshots of my life. The photos were of me and my folks in which I was youthful, yet I understood so were they. The energy that my mom and father valued had blurred away at this point and I understood the effect of time on them. At that exact second, something in me clicked and I reasoned that I was unable to censure my folks for not being there for me. Love doesn't generally require the physical nearness of people yet it is fairly the connecting of the spirits. My folks got hitched after secondary school and they couldn't set off for college. They needed to work very
Thursday, July 30, 2020
4 Words to Delete from Your MBA Application Essays
4 Words to Delete from Your MBA Application Essays Certain words or phrases appear in almost every MBA application essay. I’ve explained below why you don’t want to use 4 of these too-common words/phrases and what some alternatives might be. If you want to make your application stand out, do some editing and make sure to avoid these words completely. You might be surprised at the result. 1. HOPE e.g. I hope that you will accept me to your program. OR e.g. I hope to be able to obtain a management position with the help of your education. Why not? MBA schools are seeking confident applicants who know where theyre going, and believe in themselves. Your competitors know that theyll reach their goals; they see themselves as naturals for the school. Alternatives: My short-term goal is to become manager of financial analysis at a leading investment bank. OR My ability to take clear, decisive action, combined with MBA courses in strategic planning, will allow me to make an impact at ABC company from day one. OK, now we’re talking! 2. HIGH SCHOOL e.g. My most substantial accomplishment was leading the school drama club in high school. Why not? MBA applicants are expected to be professionals and current leaders. Writing about high school indicates that your leadership has been on a downward path, with less impressive things done in college and/or since graduation. Imagine a leading CEO you admire, and imagine him or her answering this question by talking about high school. (On a related note, remove any high school or earlier items from your resume.) Alternative: My leadership of a production quality team at my employer led to improvements that doubled gross margins. It’s obvious this person is someone impressive who should be seriously considered for admission. 3. WORLD-RENOWNED e.g. I am applying to your business school because of its outstanding reputation and world renowned faculty. Why not? Business schools with outstanding reputations don’t need to be told that you want to go there because of their outstanding reputations. Your goal is to differentiate yourself from the competition so why join every other applicants in describing the place or faculty as world-renowned? HBS applicants neednt talk about the schools world-renowned case study method, unless they want to be the same as every other applicant. Alternative: The schools unique marketing to China specialization matches perfectly with my short-term career goal, which is to start and lead a business unit at my familys firm focused solely on marketing to China. That’s so much better, isn’t it? 4. FEEL e.g. I feel that Ill be happy in the financial services business. Why not? Tell a school what you know is true, confidently; and do it as an adult, giving reasons, often based on research. Just as with the first word I discussed, hope, feel is a sign of lack of confidence. Say I intend, I know, etc. and explain why thats true. Start to project the aura of a leader. Would any CEOs that you know, lets say Donald Trump or Larry Ellison, ever speak that way while trying to sell themselves? Theyd do their homework, just as youll have to do during your MBA studies, and confidently state the results of their careful research. Alternative: The combination of my work experience as a financial analyst, my strong interest in investing, and conversations Ive had with management at XYZ financial services firm have led me to set a short-term career goal to move from the buy side to the sell side by joining a financial services firm as research associate. Delete these four words from your MBA application essays and I promise you more effective and powerful language will show up. Can you think of some other words to delete from your essays? Please share them in the comments. Need guidance in your MBA/EMBA Application process? Maximize your applications with help from The Essay Experts MBA Admissions Consulting Services. Or feel free to email me directly at larryessayexpert@gmail.com. Larry Sochrin
Friday, May 22, 2020
HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules The Computer, the Nurse...
HIPAA: Privacy and Security Rules The Computer, the Nurse and You Introduction How would you like to keep track of your personal health information record in your computer at home? The electronic data exchange was one of the goals of the government to improve the delivery and competence of the U.S. healthcare system. To achieve this plan, the U.S. Congress passed a regulation that will direct its implementation. The Department of Health and Human Services is the branch of the government that was assigned to oversee the HIPAA rules. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is a national public law in the United States that was created to improve health insurability, prevent insurance abuse and to protect†¦show more content†¦The U.S. government has assigned the Department of Health and Human Services to oversee this public act. There were several steps that were taken to improve and amend the law. The HIPAA timeline can be found in Appendix A to give details as to when the HIPAA law was created, developed and amended. (North Carolina DHHS, 2008) It also includes the future timelines as set target dates for compliance. (Wisconsin DHHS, 2010) The HIPAA terminologies that were used are important in understanding the law. Most of them can be found in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website as a reference guide for everyone. Examples include covered entities, patient identifiers, business associates and other useful terms. More information about the law can be obtained by visiting the DHHS website and typing â€Å"HIPAA†as the keyword on the search column. (DHHS, 2002) One of the issues surrounding the HIPAA law was written by Dr. Richard Sobel (2007) he stated that HIPAA is often described as a privacy rule, but it is not. He further explained that, â€Å"it is a disclosure regulation, and it has effectively dismantled the longstanding moral and legal tradition of patient confidentiality.†The other issue about this public act was expressed by Harman (2005) saying that â€Å"HIPAA has introduced the public to practices for the release of informationShow MoreRelatedEssay On Public Need For Health Care1023 Words  | 5 Pagesdoctors and patients. Prior to the advancement of computers into the medical world, the industry was mainly paper records that were written and stored in file rooms. Only people who were authorized could get to these records because they had the keys to the room. During the early 1990’s however, computerizing medical records was starting to become the normal way of taking care of patients, recording their vital signs and their medical histories onto a computer. It also contained a lot of insurance informationRead MoreEffective Privacy And Security Safety1442 Words  | 6 PagesHealthcare Privacy Officer Computers have become the database and communication in healthcare, and enable healthcare to make technology advances. Healthcare has come a long way with computers changing nursing and healthcare to become more business-like. Since there is a lot of stored confidential, and protected health information, security issues can arise. Health information should only be accessed by direct caregivers. Employees behavior online in the workplace impacts performance and can haveRead MoreEssay about Hipaa: Impact the Delivery of Human Services1272 Words  | 6 PagesHIPAA: Impact the Delivery of Human Services July 12, 2008 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was signed on 21st August 1996 by the U.S President Bill Clinton. Most healthcare insurance companies and providers are to remain to the HIPAA regulation guidelines by October 2002 and October 2003 for smaller health plans. If you are in the healthcare industry, you have probably heard some rumblings about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ofRead MoreThe Relationship Between Privacy And Security1531 Words  | 7 Pagesrelationship between privacy and security? Explain your answer using an example. (15 points) It is best to define what privacy and security are first before we can discuss the relationship between the two. Privacy is a concept, which applies to an individual. It deals with the individual’s right to be protected from unauthorized access to his/her personal data. On the other hand, security deals with the procedures of information being protected from misuse. This includes computer-based and physical-basedRead MoreProtecting Healthcare Fraud And Abuse1509 Words  | 7 PagesTitle II of HIPAA covers two main areas: preventing healthcare fraud and abuse, and a broad series of rules under the framework of administrative simplification. The first area is not of significant interest to most healthcare workers. It defines numerous offenses relating to healthcare, and authorizes several programs to attempt to find and control fraud and abuse. Nurses should be aware of the proper procedures for reporting fraud and abuse at their facility. The second portion of Title IIâ€⠀administrativeRead MoreHipaa Compliance : Health Care1650 Words  | 7 PagesNikeyah Youngblood Ms.Pounds English IV 3 October 2016 HIPAA Compliance According to Michael Moore,†health care should be between the doctor and the patient. If the doctor says something needs to be done, the government should guarantee it gets paid for.†I strongly agree with Michael Moore’s statement about how health care needs to be confidential. If anything should be done, then the federal government are the ones to offer it. Health information is to help doctors understand their patient’sRead MorePrivacy Of A Healthcare Facility The Privacy Officer Essay1340 Words  | 6 Pages Privacy Officer in a Hospital Crystal Burch Utica College Abstract In a healthcare facility the privacy officer has many different areas in which they are responsible for managing. They have to develop and continually update the facilities policies and oversee and maintain the servers and computer used with in the facility. They also need to keep current on all the endlessly changing Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act polices and regulations, which in turns means continuallyRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1683 Words  | 7 Pagesactivities with respect to health. Devices like smartphones, computers, tablets and program systems that we use in the medical field have benefited us in so many different ways to easier managing tasks and even help the healthcare professionals to improve the healthcare delivery. But like everything, technology also has its advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes these sources of media without knowing it break laws or compromising privacy issues even could damage the professional image and poten tialRead MoreThe Hipaa Act Of 1996851 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is the HIPAA Act of 1996? HIPAA, what is it? It is privacy, control, and peace of mind. You have the right for your medical information to be kept confidential. You have the right to decide whether or not family members are privy to your medical information. If you are changing jobs, why worry about health insurance coverage. Picture this. A woman called a local hospital and inquired about the condition of a patient. She was informed by the nurse that the patient was on a ventilator and couldRead MoreHandling Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act Violations in a Hospital Environment2721 Words  | 11 Pagesinstitutions, things can be improved for the approximately 200 nurses employed on staff. From the research that this author has doen, the geatest gap in our hospitals educational needs (and possibly the most expensive is the lack of knowledge of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) amongst hospital staff nurses. To test fellow department employees, the author interview ed them with semi-structured interview questions regarding HIPAA each interview being about half an hour each. Each participant
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Maggie Lena Walker First Woman Bank President
Maggie Lena Walker was the first woman bank president in the United States. Known most as a business executive, she was also a lecturer, writer, activist, and philanthropist. She lived from July 15, 1867 to December 15, 1934. Early Life Maggie Walker was the daughter of Elizabeth Draper, who had been enslaved in her early years. Draper worked as a cooks assistant in home of the noted Civil War spy Elizabeth Van Lew,  Maggie Walkers father, according to family tradition, was Eccles Cuthbert, and Irish journalist and Northern abolitionist. Elizabeth Draper married a co-worker in the home of Elizabeth Van Lew, William Mitchell, the butler. Maggie took his last name. Mitchell disappeared and was found a few days later, drowned; it was assumed hed been robbed and murdered. Maggies mother took in laundry to support the family. Maggie attended school in Richmond, Virginias segregated schools. Maggie graduated from Colored Normal School (Armstrong Normal and High School) in 1883. A protest by the ten African American students over being forced to graduate in a church led to a compromise allowing them to graduate at their school. Maggie began teaching. Young Adulthood It was not Maggies first involvement in something beyond the ordinary for a young girl. In high school, she joined a fraternal organization in Richmond, the Independent Order of St. Luke Society. This organization provided health insurance and burial benefits for members, and also was involved in self-help and racial pride activities. Maggie Walker helped form a juvenile division of the Society. Marriage and Volunteer Work Maggie married Armstead Walker, jr., after meeting him at church. She had to give up her job, as was usual for teachers who married, and, while raising their children, she put more efforts into volunteer work with the I. O. of St. Luke. She was elected Secretary in 1899, at a time the Society was on the brink of failing. Instead, Maggie Walker took on a major membership drive, lecturing not only in and around Richmond but around the country. She built it up to more than 100,000 members in more than 20 states. Madame Bank President In 1903, Maggie Walker saw an opportunity for the Society and formed a bank, the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, and she served as president of the bank until 1932. This made her the first (known) woman president of a bank in the United States. She also led the Society to more self-help programs and philanthropic efforts, founded an African American newspaper in 1902 for which she wrote a column for many years, and lectured extensively on race and womens issues. In 1905, the Walkers moved into a large home in Richmond, which after her death became a national historic site maintained by the National Parks Service. In 1907, a fall at her home caused permanent nerve damage, and she had trouble walking the rest of her life, leading to the nickname, the Lame Lioness. In the 1910s and 1920s, Maggie Walker also served on a number of organizational boards, including the executive committee of the National Association of Colored Women and more than 10 years on the board of the NAACP. Family Tragedy In 1915, tragedy struck Maggie Lena Walkers family, as her son Russell mistook his father for a home intruder, and shot him. Russell was acquitted in a murder trial as his mother stood beside him. He died in 1924, and his wife and child came to live with Maggie Walker. Later Years In 1921, Maggie Walker ran as a Republican for state Superintendent of Public Instruction. By 1928, between her old injury and diabetes, she was wheelchair-bound. In 1931, with the Depression, Maggie Walker helped merge her bank with several other African American banks, into the Consolidated Bank and Trust Company. With her ill health, she retired as bank president and became board chair of the merged bank. Maggie Walker died in Richmond in 1934. More Facts Children: Russell Eccles Talmadge, Armstead Mitchell (died as infant), Melvin DeWitt, Polly Anderson (adopted) Religion: active from childhood in Old First Baptist Church, Richmond Also known as: Maggie Lena Mitchell, Maggie L. Walker, Maggie Mitchell Walker; Lizzie (as a child); Lame Lioness (in her later years)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Construction industry Free Essays
In construction industry, professionals must be able to follow different rules, policies for designing and building any infrastructure. One of these is the adherence of construction professionals for sustainable design. Accordingly, the practice of enhancing the efficiency of the buildings and their use of water, materials, and energy as well as reduction of building impact on the health of the people and the environment is called sustainable designing or also known as sustainable building. We will write a custom essay sample on Construction industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now In doing so, the authorities responsible for green building adhere to this needs by conducting an effective and efficient complete building life cycle which include better sitting, designing, constructing, operation, maintenance and removal (Hopkins, 2002). Sustainable design brings together an immense array of approaches and practices to decrease or completely eliminate the negative effects of buildings on the environment. Accordingly, sustainable design can be defined as structures or buildings which have minimum or low adverse effects on both natural and build environment as well as the immediate surroundings and the wider regional and global setting. The adherence of sustainable design can affect my career in many ways. First, sustainable design trends in terms of methods and materials may have a great influence on how I consider the materials and methods that I can use for sustainable designing. being a professional who adheres to the trends of sustainable or green building I can say that this concept affects me in thinking about how the construction materials and methods will affect the occupants. Herein, I am able to determine quality and the conditions of the materials and anticipate its impacts on the health of the occupants. Secondly, this context affects my career in a way that I can be able to be more competitive I using materials which has natural benefit to the design, In this regard, I can be able to be more resourceful and environmental friendly by fitting the construction and its design procedures into the natural environment (Jones, 1998) in order to take advantage of existing free benefits like heat and light from the sun, the shading from the trees as well as the insulation from hillside topography in order to decrease the land impact and the need for non-renewable resources or wasteful use of resources. Lastly, my career can be affected by sustainable design in a way that it will help me broaden my knowledge in identifying the most appropriate and environmental-friendly technological and technical equipments. Some scholars believed that even if technology can enable people to gain sustainability, it also have the capacity to harm the environment if it will not be used cautiously. Hence, being a professional, I can be able to determine which can be used in the sustainable designing. Reference Jones, DL 1998. Architecture and the Environment, Woodstock and New York: The Overlook Press Hopkins, R. 2002. A Natural Way of Building. Transition Culture. How to cite Construction industry, Essays
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Nominal versus Real Gross Domestic Product
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can be defined as the value of all goods and services that a country can produce in a period of one year. Nominal gross domestic product is basically the use of current prices to value the goods and services of country in a specific year. Real gross domestic product just like nominal GDP, is the valuation of a country’s output in terms of the goods and services produced by the citizens in a particular year (Griffiths Wall, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nominal versus Real Gross Domestic Product specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The only difference is that, this measure utilises the prices of a particular past year normally referred to as the base year. It should be noted that the main difference between real gross domestic product and nominal domestic product is that when calculating real GDP, the prices of goods and services are adjusted for inflation while in the calculation of nominal GDP, this is not done. According to Griffiths Wall (2011) â€Å"Real gross domestic product is basically the use of current prices to measure the value of the goods and services that a specific country produces in a particular year while the nominal gross domestic product uses current market prices to measure the value of the same goods and services†. It is important to note that economists consider real GDP as the better measure between the two. Another definition that has been used to differentiate between the two is the definition of nominal GDP as a country’s national output. A country’s national output has been defined by various economists as the product of the price and quantity of the goods and services that its citizens produce in a particular year. In order to arrive at the Real GDP, the nominal GDP is normally divided by the rate of inflation in the country. Inflation has been defined as â€Å"the general increase in the pric es of goods and services†(O’ Sullivan Steven). It is important to note that the reason why the value is adjusted for inflation is due to the fact that in case of a price increase in a subsequent year, nominal GDP would not give the true value if the adjustment is not made as it would be larger than it should actually be. It is important to note that when the nominal gross domestic product is manipulated by the price index, real gross domestic product is arrived at. Another important issue to note is that it is not possible to make a comparison between the nominal gross domestic product and the gross domestic product rates recorded in previous years or decades. It should be noted that any increase in the rate of inflation leads to a corresponding increase in nominal gross domestic product. Real gross domestic product is therefore used to assess the overall production of goods and services in a particular country. Nominal gross domestic product on the other hand is used to present the raw data regarding the production of goods and services in a particular year and disregards the relative value of the currency in terms of what exactly the currency can buy.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Griffiths, A Wall, S. (2011).Economic for Business and Management, Third edition, Harlow Pearson Education Limited O’ Sullivan, A. Steven M. S. (2003). Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458: Pearson Prentice Hall This essay on Nominal versus Real Gross Domestic Product was written and submitted by user Ayden Gray to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Affordable Qualitative Data Software Programs
Affordable Qualitative Data Software Programs When we talk about software used in sociological research, most people think about programs designed for use with quantitative data, like SAS and SPSS, that are used for generating statistics with large numerical data sets. Qualitative researchers, however, also have several software options available that can help analyze non-numerical data like interview transcripts and responses open-ended survey questions, ethnographic fieldnotes, and cultural products like advertisements, new articles, and social media posts, among others. These programs will make your research and work more efficient, systematic, scientifically rigorous, easy to navigate, and will asist your analysis by illuminating connections in the data and insights about it that you might not otherwise see. Software that You Already Have: Word Processing Spreadsheets Computers are great note-taking devices for qualitative research, allowing you to edit and duplicate easily. Beyond basic recording and storage of data, however, simple word processing programs can also be used for some basic data analysis. For example, you can use the find or search command to go directly to entries containing keywords. You can also type code words alongside entries in your notes so that you can easily search for trends within your data at later point. Database and spreadsheet programs, like Microsoft Excel and Apple Numbers, can also be used for analyzing qualitative data. Columns can be used to represent categories, the sort command can be used to organize data, and cells can be used for coding data. There are many possibilities and options, depending on what makes the most sense for each individual. There are also several software programs designed specifically for use with qualitative data. The following are the most popular and highly rated among social science researchers. NVivo Nvivo, made and sold by QSR Internationl is one of the most popular and trusted qualitative data analysis program used by social scientists around the world. Available for computers running both Windows and Mac operating systems, it is a multifunctional piece of software that allows for advanced analysis of text, images, audio and video, webpages, social media posts, emails, and datasets. Keep research journal as you work. Case coding, theme coding, InVivo coding. Color coding stripes make your work visible as you do it. NCapture add-on to collect social media posts and bring it into the program. Automatic coding of datasets like survey responses. Visualization of findings. Queries that examine your data and test theories, search for text, study word frequency, create cross-tabs. Easily exchange data with quantitative anlaysis programs. Collect data on mobile device using Evernote, import into program. As with all advanced software packages, it can be costly to purchase as an individual, but people working in education get a discount, and students can buy a 12-month license for about $100. QDA Miner and QDA Miner Lite Unlike Nvivo, QDA Miner and its free version, QDA Miner Lite, made and distributed by Provalis Research, work stricly with text documents and images. As such, they offer fewer functions than Nvivo and others listed below, but they are fantastic tools for researchers focusing on analysis of text or images. They are compatible with Windows and can be run on Mac and Linux machines that run virtual OS programs. Not limited to qualitative analysis, QDA Miner can be integrated with SimStat for quantitative analysis, which makes it a great mixed-methods data analysis software tool. Qualitative researchers use QDA Miner to code, memo, and analyze textual data and images. It offers a range of features for coding and linking sections of data together, and also for linking data to other files and webpages. The program offers geo-tagging and time-tagging of text segments and graphic areas, and allows users to import directly from web survey platforms, social media, email providers, and software for managing references. Statistical and visualization tools allow patterns and trends to be easily viewable and shareable, and multi-user settings makes it great for a team project. QDA Miner is costly but is much more affordable for people in academia. The free version, QDA Miner Lite, is a great basic tool for text and image analysis. It does not have all the features as the pay-version, but can get the coding job done and allow for useful analysis. MAXQDA The great thing about MAXQDA is that it offers several versions from basic to advanced functionality that offer a range of options, including text analysis, data collected through a variety of qualitative methods, transcription and coding of audio and video files, quantitative text analysis, integration of demographic data, and data visualization and theory testing. It functions much like Nvivo and Atlas.ti (described below). Each piece of software works in any language, and is available for Windows and Mac OS. Prices range from affordable to costly, but full-time students can use the standard model for as little as $100 for two years. ATLAS.ti ATLAS.ti is a software program that contains tools to help the user locate, code, and annotate findings in the data, weigh and evaluate their importance, and visualize the relationships among them. It can consolidate large volumes of documents while keeping track of all notes, annotations, codes and memos in all fields of the data. ATLAS.ti can be used with text files, images, audio files, video files, or geo data. Variety of ways of coding and organizing coded data. It is available for Mac and Windows, and a part of its popularity, also works on mobile with Android and Apple. Educational licenses are fairly affordable, and students can use it for less than $100 for two years. Updated by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
New challenges in taking GCSEs
New challenges in taking GCSEs UK educational system I’d like to share with you some latest news about UK educational system and specifically challenges in taking GCSEs UK examination system for secondary school undergoes serious changes. According to the recently adopted rules, children will have to spend three years, instead of two, to get ready for math and English - two main GCSE subjects. The main goal of these reforms is to make exams more complicated and thus more productive. They are mainly focused on branches of mathematics, such as algebra and geometry. According to these changes, school children are expected to make in-depth investigation of the subjects and learn the material more profoundly. Undoubtedly, the time spent for learning the subject will be increased as well. Teenagers are likely to have more math classes during the week alongside with the extended curriculum. The new GCSE project is to be launched in 2018. Despite such cushion of time, designers of the examination system recommend that schoolchildren get down to work as soon as possible, since the renovated program includes all the additional math exams. Teenagers are not the only ones, who will be crammed with the material. A heavy burden of mixed responsibilities will be laid on teachers’ shoulders. The range of their duties is going to be enriched with the following tasks: to keep up with the updates in fundamentals of the subjects, to monitor pupils’ progress, to work out new syllabus. In addition, the changes will concern not only the quality of the exams but also their quantity. The number of subjects is reported to be reduced from 12 to 8. Therefore, academic progress of the schools will be ranked in eight key subjects. They are as follows: English and Baccalaureate subjects of English, mathematics, science, language and humanities subjects. The grade system is also said to be renewed. The well-known grade letters A, B, C, D, E are expected to be substituted with numbers. Thus, there are going to be two test papers at pupils’ disposal. The first one, in higher mathematics, is graded from 4 to 9, for the second, less complicated test one can get from 1 to 5 points. Experts assure that new GCSE project is worth all the efforts and time. It is expected that those pupils, who usually leg behind the rest of the class will have an opportunity to boost their success in studies, as they will have more time to get ready for GCSEs.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
America's Involvement in World War Two and How it helped contribute to Research Paper
America's Involvement in World War Two and How it helped contribute to America becoming a Super Power - Research Paper Example America was not directly involved in the war in the early stages. The necessity increased after the fall of France, the Pearl Harbor incident but mainly when Hitler declared war on U.S. This led to America’s direct involvement in the World War II and helped America to transition from a great power to a super power. World war II started by the deep seated anger in German due to the loss in World War I. Hitler a new leader in Germany transformed it from a defeated state to powerful one with a large army of up to 400,000 men which led to the breaking of the treaty of Versailles (Langley). March 16th 1935 Hitler tore up the treaty of Versailles when he started to build up his army (Hills & Barber 10) .Although U.S.A had always been an ally in the Second World War its direct involvement did not came after much later. In 1939 its only involvement was to provide arms and ammunition in turn of cash from countries. America was indirectly helping the allies by starving Japan of oil. Winston Churchill repeatedly tried to convince Franklin D. Roosevelt to enter the war but it was after Hitler’s declaration of war, the attack by Japanese on USA naval base in Pearl Harbor, America got directly involved in the war. ... This attack led to allies invading Italian mainland leading to the capture of Rome. The United States along with other allies continued to attack the Axis powers which led to the retake of Paris in the D-Day Invasion (Hills & Barber 17, 25). In the Tokyo Bombing Raids American bombers destroyed up to 250,000 buildings and killed 83,000 in massive fire bombing. It continued to play an important part in the attacks on the Axis Powers, till the end of the war where it dropped two atomic bombs in Japan bringing the war to an end. These included the two nuclear bombing the world had ever seen one being in Hiroshima and the other in Nagasaki. Both bombings left the city with massive destruction with large number of causalities breaking the strength of Japan totally and only six days after the bombing of Nagasaki Japan surrendered. It is clearly seen by the events of the war that although America was not involved directly at first in the war it played a pivotal role once it became directly involved and it’s most important role was that of bringing the war to an end by destroying one of the main Axis powers, Japan, completely (Langley 56). It is often wondered how U.S.A reached its position of dominance in the world. And it would not be wrong to link its rise a super power to the results and events of World War II. The characteristics of super power are firstly having a strong stable economy, secondly overpowering military, thirdly immense international political power and lastly strong national ideology. Before the war America was seen as a great power along with many other powerful strong nations like Russia and Britain. It was only after the war that U.S.A emerged as a strong super power and still holds that position. Even in years
Monday, February 3, 2020
Healthy people 2020 -p r i m a r y prevention Essay
Healthy people 2020 -p r i m a r y prevention - Essay Example Therefore, vaccination is quite necessary primary prevention objective. The main aim of primary prevention is to keep people safe from disease or further injury. It is an initial level of healthcare that mainly maintains normal, healthy state of the population. Therefore, vaccination against infectious disease responds all criteria of primary prevention. (WHO, 2013) The World Health Organization (WHO) observed that the amount of deaths from chronic diseases is growing every year. Their assumption showed that percent of death caused by hypertension, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes would change to 17% from 35 million to 41 million by 2015. However, this data can be differ in the developed countries where primary prevention programs implicated. WHO developed Innovative Care for Chronic Condition Framework (ICCC) to widen information about these diseases among a population, to provide appropriate control to decrease prevalence of such chronic diseases and to promote healthy a way of life. Therefore, all primary prevention programs, mentioned before, help to prevent and control the occurrence of infectious and chronic diseases and to improve general quality of life and healthy state of the population. (Community Preventive Services Task Force,
Saturday, January 25, 2020
India Stand In Terms Of Soft Power Potential Media Essay
India Stand In Terms Of Soft Power Potential Media Essay The proliferation of mass media television, radio, internet and print media with its reach across vast swaths of the globe has made it a strategic imperative for countries today to proactively manage their image and perceptions if they are to become a Soft power. Forming, communicating and managing Indias appealing attributes in an era of 24/7 news becomes increasingly important to how we are perceived by other nations and peoples. A corollary to communicating our attributes is that we need to contemplate and define the attributes that best define us as a nation. [i] 2. India is fortunate enough to be endowed with a rich Soft Power. The foundation of Indias Soft Power is its pluralism, tolerance, secularism, unparallel cultural heritage of music, dance-drama, yoga, Ayurveda and a tradition of absolute thinking. This tradition of abstract thinking has given an unrivalled edge in the contemporary world. It is this tradition of abstract thinking which has put India in the centre-stage of Information Technology. A long tradition of learning enabled India to master modern Western Science Technology. IITs and IIMs and other Institutes become the primary vehicles of keeping abreast with the western Science and Technology. The appeal of its democratic system and growing economic success make it an exciting counterpart to more authoritarian China and a far more affluent United States. 3. What India can achieve can be guestimated from the following figures: [ii] (a) 38% of doctors in America are Indians. (b) 12% of Scientists in USA are Indians. (c) 36% of NASA employees are Indians. (d) 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians. (e) 28% of IBM employees are Indians. (f) 17% of Intel employees are Indian. (g) 13% of Xerox employees are Indians. (h) 23% of Indian Community in the USA is having green Card. (J) In Silicon Valley, one third of the engineers are of Indian descent and 70% of high-tech firms are led by Indian CEOs. 4. This is what Indians can achieve in the most developed country of the developed world USA. So, is India in a position to get due recognition by other nations of the world? Its economy is growing at a stupendous rate of over eight percent. India now is a nuclear power, having the fourth largest military, and supports over 17.5 percent of the worlds population. Its foreign exchange is a whooping 313 billion dollars and growing. Indians dominate the list of top 10 billionaires, with four Indians on the list. Does this prove the grandeur of India? So, now can it have a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council, and be allowed to join the elite power group? Can it now be placed above the Third World status, and be known to the world as a developed country? India has not adequately utilized its Soft Power resources at home and through the Indian Diaspora. India should realize where its strengths lie if it wants to resurrect its image. In Shashi Tharoors words, India must de termine where its strengths lie as it seeks to make the twenty-first century its own. [iii] 5. So where does India stand in terms of Soft power potential? Today, we find ourselves often being referred to as a potential power in spite of nearly half a decade of record economic growth. To be acknowledged as a global power India needs to unlock its vast potential to be a Soft power. We are uniquely positioned to tap into the characteristics an ancient culture, expanding economy, vibrant democracy, spirituality, diversity, and a widespread Diaspora which provide India with core attributes that are attractive to the World. Examples of success abound, Bollywood today reaches an audience twice as large as that of Hollywood; our Information Technology industry competes globally; Yoga has become mainstream in the west, and even the IITs and IIMs have become synonymous with world class education. Indias philanthropic efforts in the reconstruction of Afghanistan and more recently the aid offered to countries affected by the tsunami underscores our concern for the world around us . For India to truly become a tour de force in the community of nations, it needs to look at its weaknesses and turn them into our biggest opportunity by offering the world a new vision, a vision that would have to be rooted in our own success. [iv] Spirituality 6. Topping the list of Indian soft power is its spirituality. Spiritualism is the ultimate thirst-quencher of the human soul; it is the only solace provider, the bliss, the only universal solution to human problems. It is that way of life which leads to completeness. It is this India that has nurtured and allowed spiritualism to thrive and flourish, to see a man or woman becoming a complete human being. India (also called the blessed land of gods) has given birth to major religions of the world-Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Christianity reached India before it reached Rome or Europe. Islam, too, is in full bloom. Indias culture has absorbed all these religions, with its followers living in harmony with one another. This has added to the richness of its culture, and it represents a perfect archetype of unity in diversity. [v] 7. The values of love, peace and brotherhood are the qualities that Indians are known for, with Gautama Buddha, Mahavir, Ashoka and Mohandas K. Gandhi being prime examples. At present, the Indian diaspora seems to be winning the hearts of the world with their endearing character and peaceful qualities. Sreeram Chaulia, in his article, The Geat Indian Diaspora, mentions that, For the most part, an average American, Canadian or Dutchman does not see Indian immigrants as national security or economic threats, thanks to their humble, flexible and endearing qualities. [vi] Cultural Diplomacy 8. India is acutely aware of the importance of soft power and cultural attractivity, and needs to do little to render its culture appealing to the rest of the world. The process is natural, almost organic. This is consistent with Indias long history as both a birthplace of ideas, and of peaceful cultural diffusion. The peaceful propagation of Buddhism is a multi-millennia old bond that India shares with the rest of the Asian continent that acts as a testament to the power of its civilizational pull. [vii] 9. While India may still have miles to go in its quest to be a global political power, the world is already embracing it as a cultural superpower. From Bollywood films and food to authors like Kiran Desai conquering the Booker Street, brand India has seen transformation of sorts. No wonder, cultural diplomacy has evolved into a significant track II. Brand India is now flexing its muscles as a soft power, which is essentially the international influence a nation acquires when others are drawn to its culture and ideas. While the term may have become clichà ©d, it is being taken seriously by the South Block given the huge potential and gains that it may accrue. Earlier cultural diplomacy was considered peripheral, now the message is clear: Soft Power is important and the idea behind the festival is to project India as a plural multicultural society and to achieve the goals of political diplomacy, says Dr Karan Singh, president, Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR). [viii] 10. While cultural diplomacy may not always provide solutions, it can help narrow differences. For instance, troubled relations with a country like Pakistan can be improved by cultural diplomacy, which India is currently engaged in. Besides strategic gains, it will supplement Indias economic relations with countries like China and can boost tourism, where India has fared below its potential. Political Diplomacy 11. Indias ambitions to be treated like a global leader of world governance at this juncture can be realised, as it is being respected as a global emerging economy and the largest democracy in the world. It is being seen as part of the new economic wall of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), and an emerging southern voice called IBSA (India, Brazil, South Africa). Many developing countries in the world are looking towards India to provide them with support (technical, professional, material) in their trajectories of development. This preference is more readily reflected in their deep appreciation of indigenous models and practices of development and progress that India is credited to have evolved so successfully. 12. The challenge before the Indian government, its political leadership and its people today is to practically demonstrate ways in which its soft power could be made accessible to many of these developing countries around the world. Indias soft power is enormous, and official leadership can acknowledge and mobilise it to make India a truly global leader. [ix] 13. India has also increasingly sought to expand its activities as a donor, both to reposition itself as an emerging power and to use aid as an instrument for engaging with other developing countries. [x] Bollywood 14. When it comes to defining Indias more modern soft power Bollywood is often cited, and with reason, as a prime example. The glittering, flamboyant films churned out by Mumbais gargantuan film industry have long been popular in certain regions of the world such as the Middle East ,Central Asia, South East Asia, North Africa, South Africa and throughout South Asia and the United States. 15. Over the past decade, however, Bollywood has been making inroads elsewhere. One of the most popular current viral videos in India shows a man in the depths of Tajikistan passionately humming and singing a Bollywood theme song to his bemused Indian visitors-all in perfectly memorized Hindi. In certain African countries, such as Senegal and Mali, villagers often trek out miles to the closest projection room just to be able to watch one of the latest Bollywood films. Little does it matter that they do not understand the dialogue or that it is set in a distant land; the themes of love, family and marriage they evoke are universal, and the sparkling opulence of the dances, costumes and songs have the gift of enchanting the minds of moviegoers far less jaded than those in the West. [xi]  Many Asian and South Asian countries increasingly came to find Indian cinema as more suited to their sensibilities than Western cinema. Jigna Desai holds that by the 21st century Indian cinema had managed to become deterritorialized, spreading over to the many parts of the world where Indian diaspora was present in significant numbers, and becoming an alternative to other international cinema. 16. Indian cinema has more recently begun influencing Western musical films, and played a particularly instrumental role in the revival of the genre in the Western world. Baz Luhrmann stated that his successful musical film Moulin Rouge (2001) was directly inspired by Bollywood musicals. Danny Boyles Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire (2008) was also directly inspired by Indian films, and is considered to be homage to Hindi commercial cinema. Films by progressive female Indian directors such as Mira Nair and Deepa Mehta have revealed that Indian films are more than escapist fantasies, and can be simultaneously contemplative and entertaining. 17. India is the worlds largest producer of films. In 2009, India produced a total of 2961 films on celluloid that include a staggering figure of 1288 feature films. The provision of 100% foreign direct investment has made the Indian film market attractive for foreign enterprises such as 20th Century Fox, Sony Pictures, and Warner Bros. Tax incentives to multiplexes have aided the multiplex boom in India. By 2003 as many as 30 film production companies had been listed in the National Stock Exchange of India, making the commercial presence of the medium felt. 18. The Indian Diaspora consists of millions of Indians overseas for which films are made available both through mediums such as DVDs and by screening of films in their country of residence wherever commercially feasible. These earnings, accounting for some 12% of the revenue generated by a mainstream film, contribute substantially to the overall revenue of Indian cinema, the net worth of which was found to be US$1.3 billion in 2000. Music in Indian cinema is another substantial revenue generator, with the music rights alone accounting for 4-5% of the net revenues generated by a film in India. 19. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has envisioned a whole new role for Bollywood, noting Indias soft power, especially the film industry, can be put to use as an important instrument of foreign policy. The Indian Prime minister says: The soft power of India in some ways can be a very important instrument of foreign policy. Cultural relations, Indias film industry, Bollywood I find wherever I go in the Middle East, in Africa, people talk about Indian films. [xii] TV Programming 20. Bruce Springsteen released a song some time back  57 channels and nothing on! 57 seemed like a good number then and India had 6 channels. Today the Indian TV industry supports more than 600 channels and there are 400 more channels in the offing awaiting governmental clearances. Indian TV studios churn out news in more than 10 languages, with an entertainment library which is now more than 10,00,000 hours of programming. India is global leader by a vast stretch. Europe by comparison is a toddler and the only other comparison with India is USA. [xiii] 21. When the Indian TV soap opera Kynunki Saas Bhi was dubbed in Dari and aired on Afghanistans Tolo TV it was such an astounding success that it became a national obsession. 90% of television-owning Afghan families would follow the show, sometimes incurring the wrath of mullahs who viewed it as being responsible for the desertion of mosques during evening prayers. [xiv] The Worlds Largest Music Industry 22. India releases more music, in more languages, than any other country in the world. We have, of course, the worlds oldest living tradition in music. Compared to Indias music tradition of 3000+ years (at least), Western Music is about 400-500 years old. Most are aware of modern music but the scene in classical music is still very vibrant. Bhajans from Mirabais, Tulsidas, Surdas of 500 years ago, continue to sell in volumes and are in demand. Thyagarajas and Dikshitaars compositions in Telugu, 300 years old are still mainstream music. Compare this to the Western classical music, itself originating from the Romany Gypsy music. Western classical music has become a fringe music tradition, while Indias Bhakti geet is alive and vibrant. [xv] University Higher Education. 23. One of the ways in which Indias soft power in education can be significantly enhanced is by becoming a global hub for higher education. The US and the UK realized the importance of this and opened its doors to foreign students in the 20th century. India has some natural advantages to attract students in terms of low annual tuition fees (less than $ 10,000 per year), low cost of living and most of the universities teaching in English capable of handling English speaking students. India can attract many students from emerging economies in Africa and Asia. India has the potential to become a global education hub and also rival Bollywood with education as a soft power. Knowledge Power 24. In this twenty first century, India is regarded as a knowledge-producing machine, with its doctors, engineers, scientists and software professionals being the first preference of the international community. Indian education is high quality. Barack Obama, the U.S. President, in his election campaign had promised Americans that he would improve the level of American education to such high standards so as to enable the American students to compete with the students of India and China. Also, according to R N. Vijay, Martin Luther King once said, When I go to other nations, I go to preach. When I go to India, I go to learn. [xvi] These examples show reverence for Indian wisdom. 25. In the US, there are Indians in almost all the good research labs. Indian doctors have made a name for themselves in many parts of the world. Many of the Indian immigrants to the US have been professionals engineers, doctors, scientists, etc. If India is able to contribute more to this growing tribe of educated professionals, it will create yet another category of soft power. Health Diplomacy 26. The Indian healthcare industry is seen to be growing at a rapid pace and is expected to become a US$280 billion industry by 2020. The Indian healthcare market was estimated at US$35 billion in 2007 and is expected to reach over US$70 billion by 2012 and US$145 billion by 2017. [xvii] 27. India is quickly becoming a hub for medical tourists seeking quality healthcare at an affordable cost. Reduced costs, access to the latest medical technology, growing compliance to international quality standards and ease of communication all work towards Indias advantage. Foreigners in increasing numbers are now coming to India for private health care. They come from the Middle East, Africa, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, for complex paediatric cardiac surgery or liver transplants-procedures that are not done in their home countries. They also come from the United Kingdom, Europe, and North America for quick, efficient, and cheap coronary bypasses or orthopaedic procedures. A shoulder operation in the UK would cost  £10 000 ($17 460; à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬14 560) done privately or entail several months wait under the NHS. In India, the same operation can be done for  £1700 and within 10 days of a first email contact. [xviii] 28. Traditional Indian rejuvenation methods like yoga, ayurvedic massage find favour with people in western countries and corporate hospitals and wellness centers are cashing on this. Allopathic system of medicine has reached its tether. It is no more in a position to cure the civilizational diseases of the day heart ailments, Cancer, AIDS and diseases related to digestive system. Therefore there is talk of an alternative system of medicine. Ayurveda has all the potential as an alternative system of medicine without any side-effect. 29. Yoga is an ancient practice of keeping the body healthy and non-diseased. Yoga has all the powers to heal all kinds of incurable diseases. With the emergence of Baba Ramdev, Yoga has certainly become popular and pervasive all over the world. But the unfortunate fact remains that Indian State has made the least efforts to popularize it. With the rising longevity of mankind, Yogas relevance would further increase. No amount of food and medicine can keep the body fit and fine in base age of ones life. Yoga is indispensable in late age of ones life to keep the body healthy and non-diseased. Indian Diaspora 30. The biggest instrument of our soft power is the Indian Diaspora. The Indian diaspora can play a major role in spreading the soft power of India through the immense influence that they possess in their residential countries. [xix] Mr. Yashwant Sinha, according to C. Raja Mohan, pointed out that, people of Indian origin are extremely important sources of support for the Indian Government in the execution of its policies through the influence and respect they command in the countries in which they live. [xx] 31. Guyana, Mauritius, Fiji, Tobago, Trinidad, Singapore and many other countries at some point or the other have experienced the leadership of a person of Indian origin. In the developed countries too, they are leaving no stone unturned, and all this just in order to enhance the intangible standing of India. During Presidential elections in the US, the Indian community is targeted by the candidates, which is also a reflection of the clout that this community enjoys. [xxi] 32. India once again seeks to leverage the tremendous intellectual, financial and communicative resources of its diaspora, estimated to number 25 million, widely scattered across five continents. Through their glittering academic and professional careers overseas, the diaspora opened the eyes of the West to India as a reliable destination for business process outsourcing (BPO) and for the cutting-edge phenomenon- knowledge process outsourcing (KPO). India is the proud recipient of more remittances from its Diaspora than any other country, beating China and Mexico and reigning at $21.7 billion per annum. [xxii] Indian Army 33. A well run
Friday, January 17, 2020
Modernism vs. Victorianism
According to the Witcombe, in his website regarding modernism, anything is modern at the time it was created. Strictly speaking, modern refers to the a certain period in history, more or less around the 1860s, where pieces of art depict ideologies and philosophies. Art works of this period include Manet, Belvedere, Louis David, de Goya, and Courbet, to name a few. These pieces portray ideas that seemed taboo, or too different from the what society believes in. Because prior to the turn of the Modern Age, ideas for art were too â€Å"old fashioned†as many has deemed.They seemed rigid, or stifled. These art works are categorized under Victorianism. Victorianism refers to a period where Queen Victoria reigned. During this period, many aspects of society, from science, politics and religion, were a stark contrast to the modern age. As written in the website The Victorian Web, this period is a high for inventions, where man is able to to create means for the improvement on how man lives. On this aspect of society, Victorianism is at an advantage. However, in regards to their religion, the people underwent â€Å"a great age of doubt†.Their literature was an attempt to combine Romantic and Neoclassical eras, focusing on emotions and the role of art and the artists to the public. This period also gave emphasis on movements such as democracy, feminism, socialism and Marxism. There were many established names such as Darwin, Marx, and Freud, that gave way to the Modern Era. In the same website, they said that Victorianism is a parent to Modernism, and as such, there was a strong reaction to the parent. Modernism gives light to the need to find what was holding society back to the â€Å"Old Fashioned†.By having more emphasis on the progress of society, Modernism strongly opposes the ideals of Victorianism. This is evident with the projects and creations of this period, the focal points were very different. Witcombe quoted Salvador Dali, modernism is â€Å"a revolution in consciousness. †One can assume that since Victorianism is related to a very strict parents, Modernism as a child will strongly repel these ideals and create his own. Modernism focuses on freedom. By comparing the many art works from paintings to literature, to science and technology, one cannot be mistaken of the differences between these two periods.Another metaphor can be a sealed bottle. Victorianism refers to that sealed bottle, and that would be art in itself. However, people would have noticed that a sealed bottle would have served no purpose to society. There were instances where a sealed bottle could have done something more progressive for society, and not just for aesthetic values. But it is not enough for others. These people would be the forefathers of modernism. They didn't want a sealed bottle. They want an open bottle, with all its contents pouring out.That would be art, the dynamic factors of modernist approach calls for greater improvem ent. It inevitably foresees progress. As a natural reaction, anything that is repressed tends to fight back, to go to the extreme opposite. This is evident in many cases, as it is here between Modernism and Victorianism. The people back then, in the regime of Queen Victoria, were gullible, always easy to follow and be affected by what authority and society dictates. The modernist people thought that there must be a time when they can think for themselves, and be liberated by the chains of society.There were so many things that could more than tickle a man's imagination during the former period, and according to ChangingMinds. org, the thoughts and information that cannot be fully handled by the mind, is taken aside and processed in a different manner. Effects reflect in a different manner. This is called Repression. In the case between these two periods, the people had been repressed in such a way that the matters where their eyes should be open, their eyes have been closed either b y society, or by those in authority, using threats or unwanted consequences as an exchange for disobedience.In conclusion, Modernism is the reaction to Victorianism because of the repression on the ideals and practices of the people. Modernism is the point where the consciousness of the people have been opened to even greater ideas, philosophies, and possibilities. The people were liberated to reality with the use of the many aspects of society, pushing it forward. Remaining at a state where one is not challenged, stagnant at a point where life is dull, is never a good thing. Man would not be where he is to this day without this turning point.However, human beings will inevitably have such a turning point, for the complex mind of man can be more cunning than we perceive. He will never be content, and will always aspire for changes. Works Cited Landow, George. â€Å"The Reality of Victorianism. †The Victorian Web. 15 December 2007 http://www. victorianweb. org/vn/victor4. htm l â€Å"Repression. †Changing Minds. 15 December 2007 http://changingminds. org/explanations/behaviors/coping/repression. htm Witcombe, Christopher. â€Å"Root of Modernism. †Modernism. 15 December 2007 http://witcombe. sbc. edu/modernism/roots. html.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Global Warming Is False - 1059 Words
The issue of global warming has become a hot topic in not only in American, but all over the world. For years, many politicians have evaded the issue of global warming. But now, all of a sudden, the Democratic Party vows to combat global warming. Now that the Democratic Party has majority in both houses on Congress, they have taken an emphasis over environmental issues, mostly involving global warming. On January 30th, 2007, Congress held its first hearing about global warming. What was concluded in that hearing was that global warming is a fact, and that it is caused by humans. Al Gore conveniently released a movie called ‘The Inconvenient truth, a movie that showed Al Gore giving a speech about the ‘facts on global warming and its†¦show more content†¦They found evidence by testing the carbon and beryllium isotopes in sediments that suggests the changes in surface winds and surface temperatures are caused solar output. They also found that the Earth has experience drastic temperature changes roughly ever 1500 years, dating back 1000 A.D. Two other scientists, Wolfgang Berger and Ulrich von Rad, retrieved a 5,000 year old sediment from the Arabian Sea. It revealed an unnamed cold period before the Roman Empire, the 1150-year Roman cycle, the 900-year Medieval cycle, and the beginning of the Modern Cycle. This means that the Earth has cooling cycles and warming cycles. They concluded that the Earth has been warming since 1680, the lowest point of a cooling period called the Little Ice Age. With all the evidence the Government has been relaying that proves global warming to be true, why has a lot of information been left out? Why has the Government stopped discussing the facts behind global warming, and begin to solely focus on what American s can do to stop it? The Vice President of the IPCC has stated that there is no evidence that CO2 is causing a climate change. Then why is it that Congress and even the IPCC say that humans are to blame for global warming? The fear that the government has installed into Americans is unjust. More time should be spent relaying all the facts, not just the ones that benefit policymakers and their political agenda s. Works Cited Avery, Dennis. A FalseShow MoreRelated Global Warming is False Essay1730 Words  | 7 Pagesof global warming. They are reminded of Al Gore and his stance on global warming and they automatically think it is true. He has a lot of evidence to back up his theory about how global warming exists and that it is the reason animals are going extinct and also why the climate is changing. Well these facts are wrong and there is evidence to prove it. Global warming is not real and the Earth might even be in a cooling period. There so many reasons to blame people for the epidemic of this false globalRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography on Global Warming1303 Words  | 6 PagesAnnotated Bibliography on Global Warming: Fact or Fiction Fumento, Michael. â€Å"The Cooling Off on Global Warming.†The Washington Times 8 July 1999: 15. LexisNexis Academic . Academic Universe. W. I. Dykes Lib., University of Houston-Downtown. 20 Feb. 2010 http://www.lexisnexis.com.ezproxy.uhd.edu/hottopics/lnacademic/ Fumento explains that a nonprofit group called Public Agenda and American Geophysical Union (AGU) has reported on public frustration about global warming and other pollutants. ThisRead MoreGlobal Warming: Fiction or Truth? Essay example1369 Words  | 6 PagesTrue or false; global warming is a catastrophic event that is occurring by natural and human means that is causing global temperature to rise and that can lead to many disasters? This has been an issue that hundreds and maybe thousands of scientists and citizens have debated about back and forth. The thought of global warming existing is a strong claim that many and most people have been backing up. Reliable sources have claims and evidence that is sufficient to prove global warming but other reliableRead MoreThe Debate Over Global Warming1499 Words  | 6 PagesThe global warming debate has been at the top of the list for environmentalists increasingly over the last twenty years. The controversy of global warming is eithe r considered due to human activity or natural causes. Although the earth’s climate and temperatures have changed, that does not mean it is humanly caused. Despite the pretense linking the association between man and global warming, which is heavily supported by consensus of scientists, eco-sensitive politicians, and the effort to restrictRead MoreGlobal Warming Essay: An Inconvenent Truth 1047 Words  | 5 Pagesbecame interested in global warming during his years at Harvard University studying under Professor Roger Revelle. During the Clinton Administration Al Gore pushed and encouraged energy efficiency and alternate fuel resources. After Al Gore’s presidential election defeat to Georgia W. Bush in 2000, Gore focused his full attention back on global warming. Al Gore Traveled across the United States and around the world presenting a slide show featuring the concerns of global warming. Using updated materialRead MoreGlobal Warming Is Not Occuring1035 Words  | 5 Pagesphenomena known as global warming, luckily, this is just not the case. There are many sides on this debate, some say that the Earth is indeed warming, however some contend that this is not so, furthermore others are not sure about which side they are entrusting the Earth too. My standpoint on the heavily heated and controversial issue is that Global Warming as defined by its proponents is not occurring. I affirm that the Earth goes through natural warming and cooling trends. Global Warming as defined byRead MoreControversial Issues in Entertainment1283 Words  | 6 Pagesspecifically In God We Trust vs. the Freedom of Religion in America. These are from the previous years with the ethical issues which are the war, the same sex-marriages, and the legalization of marijuana, divorce, crime increase, equality, and Global Warming. The commitment of communication was to reach the mass media through the newspaper, radio, magazines, and internet. These are two of the concep ts that were classified. â€Å"News and newsworthiness†, this means it is the main objective for the pressRead MoreReflection On Al Gore s An Inconvenient Truth1470 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"An Inconvenient Truth†Al Gore begins his film â€Å"An Inconvenient Truth†by defining global warming and how it affects our planet. He states that most people believe, â€Å"[t]he earth is so big that we can’t possibly have a lasting impact on the earths environment.†Gore then briefly explains the science behind global warming. Next, he brings in examples of people and places that are being affected by global warming. The most striking affect is that 40% of the world population relies on melting glaciersRead MoreThe Issue Of Global Warming1504 Words  | 7 Pagesaffecting you all. It’s about global warming. This issue will more than likely take away from everyone in the end, or at least humanity’s efforts to be a greater civilization, if you don’t take care of it. My question is, why aren’t you? For billions of years your Earth withstood countless hardships and has since lived among the cosmos, but now it’s going to be intoxicated and fall ill in a manner of hundreds of years, because of you? Global warming is the issue of the earth warming up due to man’s technologicalRead MoreEssay Global Warming is a Myth773 Words  | 4 Pagesto the Earth during global warming. Those who believe in global warming warn that it causes a significant rise in temperature in the Earths atmosphere and oceans, but after doing much research on the topic, I have discovered that the threat of global warming is a bogus one. If the Earths atmosphere was truly rising in temperature, we would see a significant rise in ice sheets melting, just like the ice cubes melted, but that is not occurring. In saying that global warming is occurring, scientists
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
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