Thursday, January 9, 2020
Global Warming Is False - 1059 Words
The issue of global warming has become a hot topic in not only in American, but all over the world. For years, many politicians have evaded the issue of global warming. But now, all of a sudden, the Democratic Party vows to combat global warming. Now that the Democratic Party has majority in both houses on Congress, they have taken an emphasis over environmental issues, mostly involving global warming. On January 30th, 2007, Congress held its first hearing about global warming. What was concluded in that hearing was that global warming is a fact, and that it is caused by humans. Al Gore conveniently released a movie called ‘The Inconvenient truth, a movie that showed Al Gore giving a speech about the ‘facts on global warming and its†¦show more content†¦They found evidence by testing the carbon and beryllium isotopes in sediments that suggests the changes in surface winds and surface temperatures are caused solar output. They also found that the Earth has experience drastic temperature changes roughly ever 1500 years, dating back 1000 A.D. Two other scientists, Wolfgang Berger and Ulrich von Rad, retrieved a 5,000 year old sediment from the Arabian Sea. It revealed an unnamed cold period before the Roman Empire, the 1150-year Roman cycle, the 900-year Medieval cycle, and the beginning of the Modern Cycle. This means that the Earth has cooling cycles and warming cycles. They concluded that the Earth has been warming since 1680, the lowest point of a cooling period called the Little Ice Age. With all the evidence the Government has been relaying that proves global warming to be true, why has a lot of information been left out? Why has the Government stopped discussing the facts behind global warming, and begin to solely focus on what American s can do to stop it? The Vice President of the IPCC has stated that there is no evidence that CO2 is causing a climate change. Then why is it that Congress and even the IPCC say that humans are to blame for global warming? The fear that the government has installed into Americans is unjust. More time should be spent relaying all the facts, not just the ones that benefit policymakers and their political agenda s. Works Cited Avery, Dennis. A FalseShow MoreRelated Global Warming is False Essay1730 Words  | 7 Pagesof global warming. They are reminded of Al Gore and his stance on global warming and they automatically think it is true. He has a lot of evidence to back up his theory about how global warming exists and that it is the reason animals are going extinct and also why the climate is changing. Well these facts are wrong and there is evidence to prove it. Global warming is not real and the Earth might even be in a cooling period. There so many reasons to blame people for the epidemic of this false globalRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography on Global Warming1303 Words  | 6 PagesAnnotated Bibliography on Global Warming: Fact or Fiction Fumento, Michael. â€Å"The Cooling Off on Global Warming.†The Washington Times 8 July 1999: 15. LexisNexis Academic . Academic Universe. W. I. Dykes Lib., University of Houston-Downtown. 20 Feb. 2010 Fumento explains that a nonprofit group called Public Agenda and American Geophysical Union (AGU) has reported on public frustration about global warming and other pollutants. ThisRead MoreGlobal Warming: Fiction or Truth? Essay example1369 Words  | 6 PagesTrue or false; global warming is a catastrophic event that is occurring by natural and human means that is causing global temperature to rise and that can lead to many disasters? This has been an issue that hundreds and maybe thousands of scientists and citizens have debated about back and forth. The thought of global warming existing is a strong claim that many and most people have been backing up. Reliable sources have claims and evidence that is sufficient to prove global warming but other reliableRead MoreThe Debate Over Global Warming1499 Words  | 6 PagesThe global warming debate has been at the top of the list for environmentalists increasingly over the last twenty years. The controversy of global warming is eithe r considered due to human activity or natural causes. Although the earth’s climate and temperatures have changed, that does not mean it is humanly caused. Despite the pretense linking the association between man and global warming, which is heavily supported by consensus of scientists, eco-sensitive politicians, and the effort to restrictRead MoreGlobal Warming Essay: An Inconvenent Truth 1047 Words  | 5 Pagesbecame interested in global warming during his years at Harvard University studying under Professor Roger Revelle. During the Clinton Administration Al Gore pushed and encouraged energy efficiency and alternate fuel resources. After Al Gore’s presidential election defeat to Georgia W. Bush in 2000, Gore focused his full attention back on global warming. Al Gore Traveled across the United States and around the world presenting a slide show featuring the concerns of global warming. Using updated materialRead MoreGlobal Warming Is Not Occuring1035 Words  | 5 Pagesphenomena known as global warming, luckily, this is just not the case. There are many sides on this debate, some say that the Earth is indeed warming, however some contend that this is not so, furthermore others are not sure about which side they are entrusting the Earth too. My standpoint on the heavily heated and controversial issue is that Global Warming as defined by its proponents is not occurring. I affirm that the Earth goes through natural warming and cooling trends. Global Warming as defined byRead MoreControversial Issues in Entertainment1283 Words  | 6 Pagesspecifically In God We Trust vs. the Freedom of Religion in America. These are from the previous years with the ethical issues which are the war, the same sex-marriages, and the legalization of marijuana, divorce, crime increase, equality, and Global Warming. The commitment of communication was to reach the mass media through the newspaper, radio, magazines, and internet. These are two of the concep ts that were classified. â€Å"News and newsworthiness†, this means it is the main objective for the pressRead MoreReflection On Al Gore s An Inconvenient Truth1470 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"An Inconvenient Truth†Al Gore begins his film â€Å"An Inconvenient Truth†by defining global warming and how it affects our planet. He states that most people believe, â€Å"[t]he earth is so big that we can’t possibly have a lasting impact on the earths environment.†Gore then briefly explains the science behind global warming. Next, he brings in examples of people and places that are being affected by global warming. The most striking affect is that 40% of the world population relies on melting glaciersRead MoreThe Issue Of Global Warming1504 Words  | 7 Pagesaffecting you all. It’s about global warming. This issue will more than likely take away from everyone in the end, or at least humanity’s efforts to be a greater civilization, if you don’t take care of it. My question is, why aren’t you? For billions of years your Earth withstood countless hardships and has since lived among the cosmos, but now it’s going to be intoxicated and fall ill in a manner of hundreds of years, because of you? Global warming is the issue of the earth warming up due to man’s technologicalRead MoreEssay Global Warming is a Myth773 Words  | 4 Pagesto the Earth during global warming. Those who believe in global warming warn that it causes a significant rise in temperature in the Earths atmosphere and oceans, but after doing much research on the topic, I have discovered that the threat of global warming is a bogus one. If the Earths atmosphere was truly rising in temperature, we would see a significant rise in ice sheets melting, just like the ice cubes melted, but that is not occurring. In saying that global warming is occurring, scientists
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